The MT900 arrived today, safe and sound. Played around with it for a little bit, and I'm quite impressed. Looking forward to gigging it this Saturday. If it performs as I think it will, I'll most likely be putting my Demeter VTBP-M-800D up for sale. Thanks again for everything!
I am a buyer posting feedback on RBASS930 as seller
Thanks Rich! The cabinet sounds great, it's in mint condition and the sound is a perfect compliment to my M6 head. Can't wait to hear it with the D800 or D800i. I had a Mesa Powerhouse 4x10 and forgot how focused their cabs can be especially with their heads.
It was a pleasure doing business with you!
I am a seller posting feedback on RBASS930 as buyer
Great experience! Answered all my questions and responded quickly. Shipped same day as payment, very fast shipping. Recommended seller/trader, would do business again.