For sale F/S Mesa Boogie Bass 400+ and RR 610 cab**photos included**

Item Location
United States


Hey all,

I bought this rig new from the MB store in Hollywood. I'm asking $1000 for the head and $1000 for the cab. I will try and post pics later but everything is in great shape. This gear has hardly any time on it at all. I bought it when I was in a season of doing some big venue gigs and right after I got it those gigs dried up. It's just too much for me, for what I do now and has been in the garage most of the time. I get it out every now and then to make sure it stays working fine, which it is. I want to try and do local p/u first, but if that doesn't work out then I will think about shipping. Questions are welcome and I live in between L.A. and S.D. so I can meet halfway to help accomodate any local buyers. Photos now included. Shipping available, buyer pays.


I'll keep you posted DatabasS, and all the photos should work now.

Thanks for keeping me posted. BTW, does this cab have the player network on back? Or do you have a pic of the connections panel?

Why are these little monsters always on the OTHER coast!?! :scowl:
It could be because they are built here and that we have the MB store in Hollywood. Not sure though. It has the player network. I believe that is the switch that selects the crossover freq. 3k, 4k, or 5k. It has the little breaker switch, 2 quarter inch jacks and 2 speakon jacks.
Yeah this cab blows it up. It's just too much for me these days. I couldn't imagine the volume with two of these.....scary. I will give it some time and if nobody goes for it we'll start talking about shipping etc.
I'm going to give this a little time and if I get nobody local, then shipping will definitely be an option.
I would like the head. Does it come with the case in the pic? and what is the approx. weight?
Yep, the cab is 4 ohms. No the head does not come with the case or the furman or tuner. Jonathan D, all I can say is it weighs quite a bit. If I do end up shipping, databass will definitely get first shot at the cab. I will make a decision probably by the end of this week on what I am going to do.
Poon, NOOOOO!!! It is my hope that the PM Sent is merely to say "have a nice day" b/c I know where to get a box and already picked out a shipping company. :crying:

It was just food for thought. But it's all yours man.

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