This seller was great to deal with, had a lot of patience.
Made the entire transaction a breeze.
I think it was about 12 hours from the time I sent a message about the amp until the seller was in a Fedex office mailing it.
The amp was mint just as advertised. Beautiful. I'm not worthy.
I am a trader posting feedback on superflybass as trader
I was a bit worried that the Olive Top bass had gone through so many hands in a few years. But it arrived in perfect shape. After some setup it is really nice. This seller was a good communicator and shipped fast. Did not steer me wrong.
I am a buyer posting feedback on petebass90 as seller
I am fairly new at buying. Seller talked me through everything.
Got a bass that looks completely new. Beauty.
Sounds and feels great.
Would like to buy again from this seller.
I am a trader posting feedback on Danny R. as trader
Danny was flexible enough to meet me in person for the trade, we each drove to Sacramento to meet in the middle. I get to try some great new basses. Hope Danny is as pleased as I am.
I am a buyer posting feedback on portraitoftracy as seller
Sold me a bass that looks completely new, minty mint as advertised. This thing is beautiful. And sounds fantastic. Shipment was super quick and this seller talked me through everything. I hope to buy more from this seller someday.
I am a buyer posting feedback on dannoman as seller
Made the entire transaction a breeze.
I think it was about 12 hours from the time I sent a message about the amp until the seller was in a Fedex office mailing it.
The amp was mint just as advertised. Beautiful. I'm not worthy.