Ads by Dasgre0g

I miss my old Stingray classic 5 in blue frost with rosewood neck. If you have one you want to part with, let's talk. I have a Music Man Caprice...
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United States
I really have a personal connection to these cabs and need one more to complete things. If you have one available or just one you don't use...
Item Location
United States
I have a moonstone bongo 5 HH pickguard I would love to trade for someone's black ice pickguard if you're willing. My apologies to whoever I...
Item Location
United States
wow. It REALLY makes me ill to even have to think about doing this.....but I have field school to pay for my graduate degree in 2 weeks and I have...
Item Location
United States
It really pains me to do this..REALLY, but I am simply not playing fretless bass enough to justify keeping this baby around. My apologies for not...
Item Location
United States