Ads by Fredr

For trade Big Muff Deluxe
Fredr (+11 /0 /-0)
Reaction score
Electro-Harmonix Big Muff Deluxe I keep trying to be a fuzz guy but it never works out. Comes with original box and paperwork. Would trade for...
Item Location
United States
Fredr (+11 /0 /-0)
Reaction score
G&L Tribute L2000 in beautiful condition. HEAVEY approx. 11lbs No fret wear, clean electronics, no dings or dents. Nice orange clear finish...
Item Location
United States
Fender V-Mod Jazz pickups off an American pro jazz, 2019. I bought these for a project I'm working in on snagged a set of custom shops 60s I'm...
Item Location
United States
ISO of a jazz bass body. Preferably a sanded down but if not that's okay. Doesn't need to be anything crazy expensive. 4 string. Thanks!
Item Location
United States
2 like new jazz bass pickguards. May/may not fit your jazz bass. The tort a warmoth and the pearl is a D'Andrea. $40 shipped.
Item Location
United States
Höfner Contemporary 500/1 or something similar wanted. Have $$ or trades.
Item Location
United States