Feedback profile - jdwinva

Feedback summary

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Negative Negative
Feedback score
99 (+98 /0 /-1)
Positive feedback (last 12 months)
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I am a seller posting feedback on jdwinva as buyer
Spoiled brat.
Classified ad: For sale Gallien-Krueger 700 rb ii
Grade A drama queen. Package was mishandled en route, caused it to arrive in less than working condition. I contacted the company to initiate a damage report and start a repair process. I asked him to contact ups about claiming damage, he did not. Ups claims can be initiated by the shipper or recipient.

Before any claim was attempted on his part, he shipped it out for repair and blamed me for not contacting ups. I have screenshots.

This buyer wants the world handed to him on a silver platter. Save yourself.
To boot, these claims of nasty texts were me telling him he "neglected to initiate any communications with ups". Sorry if this is triggering.

I told him I'd pay for the bench fee and that was it, after he failed to contact ups. The deal still stands if he chooses to unblock me, but if he'd rather play victim then it's his prerogative.