Ads by JustRicks

JustRicks (+27 /0 /-0)
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Checkered binding, toaster pickup, skunk stripe, the works!
4 watching
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Kansas City Missouri, United States
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  1. United States
I received a new set of clubs for xmas and now I'm looking to sell my old clubs: Callaway Big Bertha X12 irons and Callaway Carlsbad Series...
Item Location
United States
Looking for the head and the 2x10 cab in the VR Micro stack. Located in Reno, but maybe you're willing to ship if you're too far from me? PM me...
Item Location
United States
Hi, I'm selling my Roku 2 XD. It's been in my bedroom TV setup for a little less than a year and I barely use it--I'm thinking I would rather...
Item Location
United States
I only purchased this half a year ago and here I am selling it... why? Because I moved to a stage of my life where I won't be playing music that...
Item Location
United States
Good day all, I'm condensing down my rig and selling all my rack stuff. This is a like-new Furman PL-8C power conditioner with one of those LED...
Item Location
United States
Good day all, I have a practically brand new Lexicon MX300 effects processor. It's amazing, and it's like new. I purchased it new a year ago and...
Item Location
United States
I'm looking for a 1-ply black P bass pickguard or even a 3-ply (black white black) for not as much as these things are brand new. I think a 13...
Item Location
United States
EVERYTHING SOLD I've owned this bass since last March when I bought it new when I started parting it out to do a project but now they are just...
Item Location
United States
Well, just got a real big SVT rig so I need to sell everything else I practically own to pay off my credit card :D Ampeg BA115 - I purchased this...
Item Location
United States
I just purchased a real SVT rig so I no longer need the pedalboard so I'm selling off my collection of pedals. Tech21 Sansamp Bass Driver DI (aka...
Item Location
United States
A person backed out of my party to go to this concert so I have an extra ticket. Section 201, Row 2, Seat 1 The concert is at the White River...
Item Location
United States
So I made a mistake and looking for saddles for my Badass II bridge. I'd prefer if they were either the pre-slotted from factory or unslotted--but...
Item Location
United States
I am selling two items: Looking for: BOSS LS-2 Line Selector or a pedal that will do blending. LMK if you have one for sale even if you don't...
Item Location
United States
Send me your offers for one of the following Fender pickups: American-made Original Jazz Mexican-made Original Jazz Custom Shop 60's American 75...
Item Location
United States
This thread goes hand-in hand with my FS/FT thread in the other section. The reason I made this separately is because this thread is looking...
Item Location
United States
What I have to trade: I have a Squier Vintage Modified Jazz Bass I purchased a few weeks ago. I am looking to trade the body for a black jazz body...
Item Location
United States