Feedback profile - midichlorine

Feedback summary

Positive Positive
Neutral Neutral
Negative Negative
Feedback score
183 (+180 /2 /-1)
Positive feedback (last 12 months)
Received as seller
Received as buyer
Left for others
I am a buyer posting feedback on midichlorine as seller
This was a trade, but I suppose seller had this posted for sale! Was able to work out a deal quickly; very easy to work with! Thank you
Classified ad: For sale Origin effects cali76 cb in sv blue
Smooth and great communication
I am a buyer posting feedback on midichlorine as seller
Great transaction, thanks!
Classified ad: For sale Aguilar octamizer
I am a buyer posting feedback on midichlorine as seller
Great transaction, thanks!
Classified ad: For sale Aguilar octamizer
I am a buyer posting feedback on midichlorine as seller
Nice casters, great guy, thanks for the smokin' deal!
Classified ad: For sale Casters NIB
I am a buyer posting feedback on midichlorine as seller
Very responsive and super fast shipping. Great seller!
Classified ad: For sale Foxrox octron 3