Ads by mmoehring

For sale is a used mooradian bass cover. It's in great condition with a white powder around the bridge area on the exterior, see picture. The...
Item Location
United States
Strong soft case, Black, lots of padding, very clean with no flaws in case or zipper: $60 Shipped -SOLD Cleaning out the string box Strings: all...
Item Location
United States
For sale is a Kay Swingmaster (S-8) The bass was made in 1941 in chicago. The bass is currently set up for Classical and jazz, but more for jazz...
Item Location
United States
For sale is a like new Coda bass bow. This is a great carbon Fiber bass bow. New these range from $600-750. I am asking $450. This will...
Item Location
United States
I have recently upgraded all of my double bass gear for jazz except for my amp. I am now playing on a fully carved 15 year old European 7/8th...
Item Location
United States