Feedback profile - Ramonesfan59

Feedback summary

Positive Positive
Neutral Neutral
Negative Negative
Feedback score
2 (+2 /0 /-0)
Positive feedback (last 12 months)
Received as seller
Received as buyer
Left for others
I am a seller posting feedback on Ramonesfan59 as buyer
Easy transaction, no drama. Likes the Ramones.
David OnTheMoon
David OnTheMoon
Stuck out my neck for this guy. Well, actually sold him my neck. Everything went as it should.
I am a buyer posting feedback on Ramonesfan59 as seller
Trustworthy, good guy
Lucky Chuck
Lucky Chuck
Reading in TB about my need for a neck, Mark sent me a PM offering exactly what I was seeking. Obviously it "scratched his back" as well, but nonetheless the transaction was reasonable and fair, and I appreciate the help. Kinda made my day, actually. Probably my biggest concern was the lack of feedback on his TB account. I hope this helps address that.
It takes two to make a great transaction, and Lucky Chuck made this one smooth and easy for me.