Feedback profile - superiorpine

Feedback summary

Positive Positive
Neutral Neutral
Negative Negative
Feedback score
147 (+147 /0 /-0)
Positive feedback (last 12 months)
Received as seller
Received as buyer
Left for others
I am a buyer posting feedback on superiorpine as seller
Easy transaction fast shipping bargain priced a good value good communication etc
Classified ad: For sale Bunker PBC GTB355 Headless
Upstate SC Bass
Upstate SC Bass
easy transaction fast shipping bargain priced a good value good commuication etc
one issue is... listing said it is 19mm spacing 3" at bridge but is actually 2.85" at bridge which is 18mm spacing but other than that it is great. and I do prefer 19mm 3/4" spacing but can do with 18mm no biggie.
An A instead of A+ I think is fair enough lol
but still definitly positive feedback
I am a seller posting feedback on superiorpine as buyer
Quick payment. Good communication