Alien Bass Controls And Pickup

Alien Bass Controls And Pickup

Prototype or Limited run ?? Not Custom Done
Mystery Alien Headless Bass
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That's a Hondo. their Alien was a near-copy of a Kramer bass, which in turn was inspired by the Steinberger bass
The two holes above the low e-string are for a thumbrest.
Cool find, bro. :bassist:
Thanks.......... The part that is the mystery is the volume and 5-way selector switch. All pictures found on the net show a volume and tone pot and a small toggle switch. I opened the rear plate and looked in the cavity and this absolutely appears to have been done at the Samick factory who built this for Hondo. The mystery is....... Was this a prototype or a limited offering that was changed for sales reason to a 2-pot toggle???
Now that IS a mystery. You're right, I did think of the odd controls when,looking, because nothing matched. Not the Hornet, Not the Alien...

How's it play?
It plays real easy and stays in tune. The 5 way tone selector definitely gives it different bass tones that are defined and for the most part unsaturated It is a Hondo alien as the alien decal was not added on because it is underneath the original clear coat and the bass was never refinished
Actually as I initially wrote at the start of this thread. It's part of the estate of a 51 years friend of mine who passed away. His 92 year old mother gave me all his music gear to please sell and this Hondo Alien Bass I was trying to find answers for so I had some idea what to price it at. If it was normal like all the pictures on the net it would be easy to price.

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Alien Bass Controls and Pickup.JPG
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614 KB
2048px x 1536px

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