Ibanez SRH500

Ibanez SRH500

Semi hollowbody bass
My new Ibanez SRH500 in all its spendor
Got one last year with case. Don’t use it a lot as yet. Am currently culling some basses but this one is for keeps. Light Weight, good full sound with the chromes supplied. Neck took a little getting usd to, sounds are versatile to a point. Could do with a bit more treble on the tone side, but different strings probably would improve this, however of late I prefer simple layout and clean sound, if I dig in I can get it to “drive”.
Love the simplicity and looks and the SOUND.
Ps. Let me know how you go with the trim pots under the bridge.
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@minimalist freedom

light, indeed - mine is 6 pounds 3 ounces. the neck is pretty standard for an ibanez soundgear bass, and those are my neck of choice.

i prefer the dark, smooth sound, but i did dial in some treble on my head last night, and and that gave a bit of bite to the tone - too much bite for my taste with the mids turned up, but i was surprised how versatile this bass is.

no reason to adjust anything yet using the trim pots, but i'll check them out later and report back.
Same here the trim pots seem set up well and the chromes sound great for the sound I want , they match the bass,pup configuration. What did you pay ? I paid $1110 AUD 2017
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@minimalist freedom i paid full U.S. retail of $699, but sweetwater weighs all their basses over $299, which let me choose the lightest one, so it was worth it :)

the trim pot cover still has plastic on it and on the screws, but i'll get around to opening it soon...

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Bass Guitars
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samsung SM-G930V
Focal length
4.2 mm
Exposure time
1/10 second(s)
File size
3.1 MB
Date taken
Tue, 18 September 2018 4:27 PM
4032px x 3024px

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