TC Electronic Mini Rig

TC Electronic Mini Rig

TC Electronic BAM200 & BC208 cabs.
I am considering exactly that: BAM200 and 1 or 2 BC208s.

What's your verdict so far?
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A very tight, transparent & sterile sound. I use an active, US Peavey Cirrus bass that has a sterile, transparent sound as well. It's a lot of tone coming from my fingers that I have to try and harness, so I've found myself finding a middle ground of EQ adjustments on both the bass and the amp. The low B is tight and responsive with the 8" speakers but it's taken me a bit to find that sweet spot EQ wise. I have a feeling when I push a bigger, more powerful head through these cabs, I'll have to EQ much differently and I can comment further on that when I find the heads I'm looking for. I've used a lot of different cab configurations over the years with 10s, 12s, 15s and 18s. This is my first 8" speaker configuration and I find them to be similar to 15" cabs in terms of tone and response but I have to EQ them a little differently.
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Think you'll go with a larger TC head?

I think I'm gonna stick with the BAM200 for now. Don't need the volume of anything larger, and REALLY like the footprint! Along with the 208s, makes for a super portable setup.
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Amps and Cabs
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samsung SM-A505U
Focal length
3.9 mm
Exposure time
1/10 second(s)
File size
2.4 MB
Date taken
Tue, 16 January 2024 6:02 PM
4032px x 3024px

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