Currently using a Thunderfunk 550B, Accugroove El Whappo and a Dingy AB I
Previously Owned Gear
Traynor YBA1, SUNN Concert, Coliseum, Fender Bassman 4x12 cab, SWR SM-400S, Peavey 410TX, Ampeg (can't remember the number, but it had reverb in it), 2 Tobias, 1 Warrior, 1 Jazz 5 string basses, 1 78' Jazz bass and the first bass I ever had was a Univox. BBE BMax-T pre,Crown Micro-Tech amp, Bergantino HT-310, HT-322 and HT-210s.
G.A.S. List
I have no gas right now.. I leave the soup beans alone...!
Influences and Teachers
The bass players that got me interested in playing bass were Chris Squire, Geddy Lee and Paul Goddard in that order.