Lakland 55-01 (2004 model)
Peavey Fury P Bass (de-fretted) american model
DeArmond Pilot Pro Plus 5 String (2001 model)
SX Geddy Lee Clone 5 String with Audere Preamp jz-vb3 (2006 model)
Peavey Fury V (2002 model)
OLP Music Man 4 strinkg (got off craigslist)
Epiphone Les Paul 4 String (1998 model)
SWR Workingman 2004
Hartke 4x10 Transient Attack
Peavey TKO 115 Combo
Fender BXR sixty watt 12" combo (practice amp)
Zoom 506II efx processor- just for fun recording weird tracks and stuff.
Gigs and Ensembles
Minor Blowout- Original Improvisational Instrumental Rock
G.A.S. List
Laklands, Zons, Ken Smiths, Spectors, Fenders, 1980's PRS Fretless