'74 Rick 4001 azureglo, '06 Lakland Skyline Hollowbody candy apple red, '15 Squier Vintage Modified PJ sunburst, '11 Squier Vintage Modified Jazzmaster oly white, '18 Seagull Original S6 Slim Q1T, Genz Benz Streamliner 900, Low Down Sound 15/6/1, Genz Benz Black Pearl 30 combo, Boss TU-2 tuner, Joyo American Sound, Joyo ACTone, Joyo Ultimate Driver, MXR Phase 90 phaser, EHX Pulsar stereo tremelo
Favorite Genres
Psychedelic rock, classic rock, 60s jazz
Gigs and Ensembles
The Spiral
Previously Owned Gear
'93 G&L L2000, Ashdown ABM500, Acme B2 Series II, Schroeder 1212L, Ashdown EB180-12 combo, '71 Gibson EB-1 reissue, Yamaha B100 amp, pre-EB MM Stingray, Roland Cube 60, '98 Fender Roscoe Beck V shoreline gold, '95 EB MusicMan Stingray, '01 MIM Fender Jazz fretless, '95 G&L L2000, '99 Fender PBass Special California Series, SWR Workingmans 15 combo, '83 G&L L1000
G.A.S. List
Fender '64 Reissue Jazz bass, Fender Hot Rod Precision, LDS 12/6 cab
Influences and Teachers
McCartney, Simonon, Jamerson, Mingus, Fred Smith (Television)
Hobbies and Interests
Yahoo! Messenger
Providing low end thump since 1978!
1974 Rickenbacker 4001+Genz Benz STL900+LDS 15/6/1 (Yes, I've been selling off most of my gear - moving towards acoustic guitar!)