Pedalboard Design: Who has a "live-in" case, where the board stays in it during your performance?

I'm trying to conjure up something like this but with the additional factor that the board will have dual bass/guitar use and that some pedals will be used for both and 3 will be one or the other only, so I'll need to be able to unplug stuff and reroute signal depending on which gig I'm doing. Seems like this will unavoidably make it bigger. I'm sure for my stuff I'll need the 32" by 16" ish size were I to buy a readymade case.
Heh, just ordered a large unit from Seismic Audio in which to arrange my stuff. Much better price than I could find elsewhere for similar sized. I should be able to make this work. In truth, most of the pedals are for guitar though I do run both signals thru a big space-hogging Retrospect Squeezebox compressor.

jTrolt, outstanding build! Under different circumstances I'd sure be able to use something like that.