Double Bass Strings for plywood bass--Americana

Hello--My first post was for advice on a plywood bass that I want to use in a Americana band. I bought a Knilling plywood bass. I think it has Prelude strings on it now.
The leader wants some rockabilly slapping. What would be some string recommendations? I'm seeing Pirastro Evah Pirazzi Slap, Zyex lights, Golden/Silver Slaps, and Sugar Slaps recommended. I also will use this bass for jobbing, so something that sounds ok for jazz would be good, too.

I looked at Superior Bassworks Deluxe DIrty Gut, but I gather they're not loved here. The Sugar Slaps aren't too expensive; how do they rate?
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I looked at Superior Bassworks Deluxe DIrty Gut, but I gather they're not loved here.

I guess it depends on who you talk to about the Superior Bassworks Deluxe Dirty Guts. I've used their medium gauge D and G with SilverSlaps E and A for about 5 years and really enjoyed them...

Then about a month ago I moved to the thickest and highest tension full set of SBW Deluxe Dirty Guts and I'm totally thrilled with them -- but they're really thick (E .170" to G .105") and that may take some getting used to for some folks. They're about as thick as a full not-wound set of real guts, with a similar look and feel.

While I'm sure nothing synthetic sounds exactly the same as real guts, the thickest SBW Deluxe Dirty Guts do come closer than either Golden/Silver Slaps or Sugar Slaps in tone (I've used both). I was seeking that old school gut-like tone, and that's what I get now.

Most folks assume Deluxe Dirty Guts probably were born as some sort of wacker and that's why they get a bad reputation. But they are definitely not wackers anymore.

They are bullet proof for hardcore slapping, they sound great either acoustically or amped, they even bow well (which neither Golden/Silver Slaps or SugarSlaps do). And for $70US, it doesn't take much to give these a try.

P.S. ...
The Sugar Slaps aren't too expensive; how do they rate?

I tried Sugar Slaps for about a month, until they snapped just outside of my custom tailpiece. I really liked their tone, but it's a modern tone compared to a not-wound gut set. Under perfect conditions they might workout fine, but I've heard other people express that they had them snap unexpectedly too. I would be concerned that they are too fragile, especially with rougher play like heavy slapping. Oh, and they are not bow-able.

As mentioned my previous main-stay was a mixed set of SilverSlaps E and A under SBW Deluxe Dirty Guts medlium D (.105") and G (.095"). This mix was a very good match in tension, tone, volume and feel. I started to feel like it sounded too modern on my Alcoa though, so that's the main reason why I moved to the fattest Dirty Guts. My SilverSlaps were UK-Innovation SilverSlaps and I never had any problems with them, but the newer GHS-Innovation strings have had a number of reports of winding problems. And also, Golden/Silver Slaps have difficulty speaking with the bow.

FWIW, the thickest SBW Deluxe Dirty Guts that I'm using now (E .170" to G .105") are slightly higher tension than either SilverSlaps or Sugar Slaps.

Lastly, early this year I attended a week long workshop with Edgar Loudermilk, the bassist/lead vocalist/front man for the Edgar Loudermilk band. He uses Zyex mediums and they sounded and felt excellent on his double bass. He plays aggressively and has broken Zyex lights, but the mediums didn't feel very high tension at all to me. I'd be tempted to use them, but they have a modern tone, and also I avoid metal component strings in an effort to reduce metallic tone on my Alcoa.

Strings are a rabbit hole. I've been lucky to have really enjoyed some strings so far, enough to stay with them for a long time.

I wish you the best as you figure out what you like!
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I would suggest reading these links. Contact Gollihur directly if you have questions. They’re very helpful!

Big fan of the Evah Pirazzi Slaps, both sets of them, and in my experience Pirastro has excellent customer service stateside via their American distro rep. I’ve also recently used a set of Obligato Solos tuned down on a recording (borrowed bass) and was pleasantly surprised.

Guts require a bit more attention and maintenance than any metal, synthetic or silk strings (though really much less than people often make it seem). I’d start off with something synthetic until you’re sure you want to take the plunge. Gut strings, to me, are like toilet paper; just buy the nice ones. If you get the cheap stuff you’ll regret it. Immediately.
Hello--My first post was for advice on a plywood bass that I want to use in a Americana band. I bought a Knilling plywood bass. I think it has Prelude strings on it now.
The leader wants some rockabilly slapping. What would be some string recommendations? I'm seeing Pirastro Evah Pirazzi Slap, Zyex lights, Golden/Silver Slaps, and Sugar Slaps recommended. I also will use this bass for jobbing, so something that sounds ok for jazz would be good, too.

I looked at Superior Bassworks Deluxe DIrty Gut, but I gather they're not loved here. The Sugar Slaps aren't too expensive; how do they rate?
Weed Wackers are loose... too loose, way too loose
I picked up a set of synthetics out of LA (?) Might have been Long beach... they looked like sinew in color, but they not only sounded good but also could play arco. Nice stuff. I no long have a URB because I moved out the city (subway access) and really couldn't afford a support vehicle and had to move it along. But I remember those synthetics.

Don't worry about the opinionated cork sniffers, if anything they warmed up the tone and with a Fishman everything was copacetic.
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I also like the EP slaps w/ gut D/G.

Only complaint was a frayed winding on the A required replacement quicker than I would hope. One other guy on these boards had a similar issue, but I imagine it is not terribly common.

The replacement A cost about what a full set of Dirty Guts cost. Some folk here and 1 pro I know IRL really like them. At the low cost, they might be worth a try.
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I'm a fan of the SBW Deluxe Dirty Guts, although I bought them initially because they were so cheap ($50 or so back then). I think they sound great for what I do (mostly root-five bluegrass and folk). I don't slap personally but I'm sure they would work for that.
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Another vote here for Evah Slap E & A and gut D & G. Specifically this D & G. $50 for both strings and they play and sound like a matched set with the Slaps: