Double Bass Classical era concerto for bass tuned in 4ths?


Supporting Member
Nov 19, 2021
Potomac, Maryland
The main "Classical era" concertos are for Viennese tuning and are so awkward. Are there any from that era for a bass tuned in 4ths? The Italian stuff that came later is so much more idiomatic and fun to play.
Aye there’s the rub. Practically every well know concerto from the “ classical period” is originally in Viennese tuning that was then “converted” to be played on
a bass tuned 4ths. Whole sections of the original Vanhall Concerto were edited to accommodate the new instrument. Some sections were removed entirely. The Fuch’s Sonata is very idiomatic to the bass, but it’s not a concerto. :)
Funny you mentioned "not a concerto". I have had successful audition experiences playing sonata movements rather than a concerto, where the solo requirement was "two contrasting movements" or some such. I just don't like Vanhal, Hoffmeister, Sperger, or Dittersdorf much, for all the reasons mentioned in this thread. They come out sounding a tad vapid compared to some of the concerti written for EADG afterwards. I really like Martín, Jacob, Goss, and Lancen, among others.