1. TrevorOfDoom

    NBD - Wunkay

    Years ago i got to borrow a friend’s ‘81 G&L L1000, and it’s haunted me ever since. I’m turning 40 tomorrow, and things have been rough the past couple years (as we all have experienced), so i decided to splurge. I couldn’t find a Birth Year Bass that was in my price range (that’s another thing...
  2. Ricardo Leandro

    Rumble 200 vs Rumble 40 studio

    Hi there! Hope you are all ok! I am trying to decide between these two amps. I tried the 200 with my jazzbass in a local store and I was amazed. Great punch and I loved the overdrive. Size and weight also is a plus to me. Great amp! Now...is it too powerful for home practice?...I live in an...
  3. lizardking837

    (belated) NAD: Fender Rumble Studio 40

    After a few weeks of GASing and getting a bonus at work, I went to Guitar Center and got my amp. The price on the website was listed at $399, but it was tagged for $349 and I used the money saved to buy dinner for my soon-to-be fiance. Not to gush, but this thing is amazing. My friends are...