
  1. Blazer

    For aircraft enthusiasts: Funny airplane lingo and stories.

    Ever since the Wright Brothers made the first powered flight, there has been a lot of funny anecdotes and lingo in the aviation world and so I figured it to be funny to start a thread about it. Such as the "Colonel's landing" the highest rank that an active military pilot can have is Colonel...
  2. Blazer

    For aircraft enthusiasts: the story of the F-19 stealth fighter finally revealed.

    Well with a lot of documents from Area 51 now being declassified, one of the biggest mysteries has finally been cleared up and it's about THIS plane. The F-19 Stealth first showed up in model form in the eighties and was available from three main model manufacturers: Revell, Monogram and...
  3. Blazer

    For aircraft enthusiasts: One plane away from greatness.

    In the aircraft annals there are a lot of manufacturers' names which are associated with one legendary plane and the rest they've made is apparently something to be dismissed. The best example of that is the Supermarine Spitfire, ask anybody about another plane which came from the Supermarine...
  4. Blazer

    For aircraft enthusiasts: when a best selling plane is from a flawed design

    Well as I pointed out earlier in my 60 years of the Lockheed F-104 Starfighter thread, having a good selling jet on your hands doesn't mean exactly that that said jet is a good plane in the first place. For aircraft enthusiasts: 60 years of the most notorious Jet fighter of all time, the...
  5. Blazer

    For aircraft enthusiasts: when a subsidairy factory outlasts the original, the story of DeHavilland.

    This all smiling dude is Sir Geoffrey DeHavilland who can rightfully be called one of the key pioneers of British aviation. And thanks to the fact that his DH-4 design was built in the thousands in the USA to supply the USAAC with planes for the first world war you can rightfully call him an...
  6. Irishbass

    Battery powered/ light weight & aircraft friendly bass combo?

    Bit of a tall order I know but I play bass (electric) regularly with a bunch of trad Irish musicians and occasionally we get to play abroad where most of the fun can be had during down time in local pubs, street busking or jamming in hotel lobbies etc. In those situations mains power is not...
  7. Blazer

    For aircraft enthusiasts, 100 years ago the first decklanding was made.

    August 1917, the Royal Navy was knees deep in the First World war where it was used to create a blockade to keep merchant ships from supplying Germany. It wasn't going all that well, as obsolete signing systems and equally obsolete military protocol led to a very embarrassing outcome of the...
  8. Salmson


    WWI aircraft
  9. Blazer

    For aircraft enthusiasts, the biggest Biplanes.

    Ah yes the biplane, just seeing one brings forth visions of trench warfare, rotary engines, ragtime music and black and white silent movies. Shown here is one of the best known: the Sopwith Camel. But the Biplane is so much more than just that and after the first world war the Biplane found...
  10. twinjet

    Cargo Planes and you

    Previous Eds.: (You know it's bad when you can form a compendium!!) I: Jet engines and you II: General Aviation and you It is with great relief that I am able to write this for you, TalkBass. Today's installment of the "Aviation and you" series comes after a scare I had up close and personal...
  11. Blazer

    For aircraft enthusiasts: the story of the Lightning and no not THAT one.

    Well when I say the word "lightning" in an aircraft setting people with either go about THIS... The Lockheed P-38, forktail devil Or THIS... The Lockheed-Martin F-35 Lightning II, AKA the Joint Strike Fighter, or JSF Both Lockheed Lightnings together. But I'm going to be making this thread...
  12. Blazer

    Double Bass For Aircraft enthusiasts: the Ramp Tramp and the Bull, the history of the Tu-4

    It's one of aviation's greatest stories, how the Soviet Union got their hands on three intact B-29 Superfortress bombers and reverse engineered them creating the Tupolev Tu-4 Bull and in doing so had their own intercontinental bomber fleet on tap. But there are a lot of fables surrounding the...
  13. victorlion

    Folks,we are Allowed to take basses into aircraft cabine! Prooves inside.

    I take two basses in HSC on board all arownd rhe World. If any problem comes i show this screen and call the authorities. Works 100%.
  14. Blazer

    For Aircraft enthusiasts 40 years of the USAF's unwanted step child.

    A question, which plane in the entire USAF's inventory entered service under severe resistance in the seventies and despite all the naysayers' objections has become a legend? Here's a hint, its main armament is THIS, the car is there just to show the sheer size of the thing. ...which fires...