ampeg svt 3

  1. Paul Szegedin

    Ampeg SVT 3 pro tube preamp section troubleshooting

    Hello all -- I picked up an Ampeg svt 3 that was barely producing sound and followed @ejschultz fantastic instructions for biasing the amp in this thread; Mine was reading less than 1mv and I successfully biased it up to spec around 25mv. Amp sounds great but there is an issue with the tube...
  2. Silas Caldwell

    Ampeg SVT 3 Pro USA: Is It Worth It?

    Considering picking one up in great condition for $250! Is this a good deal, or should I avoid it? Not that many good demos online, what do owners think?
  3. A

    Ampeg SVT--favored mid-frequencies

    Hello all, First time poster. Please be kind! I acquired an SVT-3 a few months back and have been fiddling with the mid-frequencies (MF) knob ever since. I can't seem to settle on a setting that I like best. They all sound great when in isolated from the rest of the mix, some just disappear or...
  4. J

    Ampeg SVT 3 - poof

    Does anyone know if my Ampeg SVT 3 is worth repairing? In the middle of rehearsal, it went “poof”. Lights in the room flashed, smelled that electronic smoke.... Here’s pic with the lid off: Thanks!