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    The Eb Lydian Augmented Mode for 4 String Bass

    Taking a look at the Eb Lydian Augmented mode and its chord the Eb Major 7 #5 on the 4 string bass. A very cool sound! If you liked that, then you will love this. And if you would like to dig deeper, contact me @
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    D Dorian b9 For Six String Bass

    Concluding our exploration of the D Dorian b9 Mode on the six string bass. Looking at it as a V(sus) chord today and creating a bassline If you would like to dig deeper, contact me @
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    The Dorian b9 Mode

    Taking a closer look at the Dorian b9 mode on the 4 string bass. Hearing the sound on the piano, playing the 5 note arpeggio, creating a bassline. To dig deeper, contact me @
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    The C Melodic Minor Scale for Six String Bass

    Looking at the C Melodic Minor Scale on a Six String Fretless bass. Creating a line, looking at the chord and its’ inversions plus, arpeggios of the Minor-Major 7th chord. For more information regarding online seasons and our correspondence course, go to
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    The C Melodic Minor Scale

    Examining the C Melodic Minor Scale with chord tones, arpeggios and creating a bassline.
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    Ear Training for Bassists

    What a nice New Year’s Day surprise to find my new book reviewed in Bass Musician Magazine. Thanks so much Raul and Valery! New Book: Ear Training For Bassists Vol 1
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    Thelonious Monk and 6ths

    A Bb Blues, “Misterioso” by Thelonious Monk using 6ths in the melody. A great way to learn how to use intervals in your playing.
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    The B Locrian Mode for 4 String Bass

    Wrapping up our examination of each of the modes, today we are looking at the B Locrian Mode for the 4 string bass. Included are exercises, chord development, basslines and improv, plus a little upright too!
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    The A Aeolian Mode For Six String Bass

    Today we finish our look at the A Aeolian Mode on the Six String Bass...Basslines, Arpeggios, Chords
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    The A Aeolian Mode on a 4 String Bass

    Today we begin our examination of the A Aeolian Mode We are closing in on completing our look at all of the modes!
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    G Mixolydian for 6 String Bass

    Today we complete our look at the G Mixolydian Mode