bb king

  1. Jerry Jemmott Transcription Book & Videos

    Jerry Jemmott Transcription Book & Videos

    Introducing the highly anticipated Bass Masterclass and Transcription Book featuring iconic basslines by Jerry Jemmott! Elevate your bass playing skills with exclusive access to in-depth lessons covering Jemmott's legendary techniques.
  2. Humbucker3


    On every day I have the blues, (and I’ve heard many bassists play this, like Dave Bronze on a 5-String Stingray with Clapton) I’d like to know the incredible, unlisted bassist that BB picked up for this show. The full range octave, walking lines and the spit, this guy throws in, affected me so...
  3. viribus

    B.B. King’s guitar “Lucille” going up for auction

    B.B. King's 'Lucille' guitar going up for auction LOS ANGELES (AP) — Her name was “Lucille,” and in B.B. King’s hands she gave voice to the “King of the Blues.” Julien’s Auctions announced Tuesday that King’s black Gibson ES-345 prototype guitar is among the items from his estate that will go...