bow size

  1. Michael Eisenman

    Double Bass How to measure the balance point of a bow

    The more you know...
  2. Odelalala

    Double Bass From student to pro upright (5/8), bow size help?

    Greetings! I play a student 5/8 upright and I will purchase a pro in October. I am using a 1/2 bow and I have had a lot of problems with it, so I have decided to buy a new one. Am I to be married to this size, forever, or can I go for the size used by double bassists playing 3/4? I personally...
  3. Michael Eisenman

    Double Bass What size is this bow?

    I just received a bow for a rehair, and it is shorter than my full-sized bow. Its hair length is 20½", as opposed to my bow's hair length of 22". It seems a bit outside of the range of variance for a full-sized bow. Half-size, maybe?