clean tone

  1. Ritter667

    Clean Tone? What is that?

    So who else's basic "clean" tone is actually to some extend overdriven or distorted, either by using pedals or simply overdriving your amp? Personally I play with an always on low gain overdrive (more than just mild breakup) in main amp-less setup, that comes from using 2 always on tube preamp...
  2. Titanium

    Darkglass clean tone

    Hello, I’m buying an amp soon through a local dealer, and he can only get Fender or Darkglass. I’m familiar with Fender stuff and the tone, but sadly I can’t seem to find much in terms of demos on YouTube for Darkglass heads. I’ve heard plenty of demos for overdrive and distortion, but I’m not...
  3. NoiseNinja

    Anyone else use a wide array of always on pedals/effects for their basic "clean" tone?

    I use quite a wide array of always on pedals/effects to achieve my basic "clean" tone. I guess partially because it is an "amp-less" setup, so I have to mimic what an amp and cab does as well. So it got me curious and thinking, do anyone else use a wide range of different always on...