
  1. Sunn ((o)))) 18 cabinet- with original cover

    For sale Sunn ((o)))) 18 cabinet- with original cover

    Early 70s Sunn 1x18 cab, really great condition except the speaker is shot (pics below). It does still work and surprisingly sounds pretty good even with the speaker like it is, there is no noise and the jack is clean. The grill cloth is a little discolored but could probably be cleaned or...
  2. Gustopher

    SOLD Sunn ((o)))) 18 cabinet- with original cover

    Early 70s Sunn 1x18 cab, really great condition except the speaker is shot (pics below). It does still work and surprisingly sounds pretty good even with the speaker like it is, there is no noise and the jack is clean. The grill cloth is a little discolored but could probably be cleaned or...
  3. Gustopher

    New (very old) cab day! Sunn ((o))))

    Hey gang! I just got home from picking up a monster! I grabbed this Sunn 18 inch cab for literally free. Still has the original cover with it too, bonus! The speaker is pretty well shot, it makes sound but anything below about a C farts out pretty bad and it’s easy to see why. The cone is...
  4. Paul Leech

    RedSub Coliseum Fanned Fret 5-String Bass

    So I've been checking out multiscale basses since April/May of this year and – mainly because of the zombie apocalypse (ZA) we've been going through since early last year – it has not been an easy task. I was originally going to buy a 4 string Music Man Stingray because I played a few of them...
  5. lizardking837

    Going Multiscale, advice appreciated.

    Afternoon everyone, One of my bands (progressive metal) is almost done writing and demoing our first album. The guitar player is an ambitious dude and already has a vision and some rough demos for the next album. He's made it clear that we're going even more downtuned for Album 2. The...
  6. R

    How Loud is a 70s Sunn Coliseum at 4ohms?

    So I’m looking into purshcasing a 70s Sunn Coliseum bass head and I’ve read that the amp runs at 320 watts at 2ohms. I was wondering if anyone has had any experience running the amp at 4ohms and if so is she still loud?
  7. Sunn Coliseum 300 with 2-15 Cab price drop

    For sale Sunn Coliseum 300 with 2-15 Cab price drop

    Here is an awesome Sunn Coliseum 300 with 2-15 Cab. A nice retro amp rig that looks incredible and sounds incredible. Great for home studio, club or church. It weighs @ 90 lbs and It works perfectly with no issues. It was stored in a climate controlled smoke free environment for 30 plus yrs...
  8. AnthonyD23

    SOLD Sunn Coliseum 300 with 2-15 Cab price drop

    Here is an awesome Sunn Coliseum 300 with 2-15 Cab. A nice retro amp rig that looks incredible and sounds incredible. Great for home studio, club or church. It weighs @ 90 lbs and It works perfectly with no issues. It was stored in a climate controlled smoke free environment for 30 plus yrs...
  9. HailSatan4ever

    To Slave or Not to Slave

    Hi, first post on the site after lurking for years. I hope to continue to learn and possibly contribute where I can... Anyway, I have been presented the opportunity to acquire a Sunn Coliseum slave amp. I currently use an Orange ad200b (has a slave output). It’s plenty loud on its own, but I...
  10. jeffcycles

    My new to me Sunn Coliseum 880

    I just wanted to take a moment and share my latest amp purchase, this beautiful old Sunn. It's been in storage since 1990, and this one was built in 1974 not far from its home in Portland. I'd say its very clean for a 43 year old, definitely cleaner than me at about the same age! Now, I just...
  11. Jaymi

    Has anyone seen a pedal that is the Sunn Coliseum?

    I have not seen anyone recreate the Sunn Coliseum preamp in a pedal......Anyone have one or know of one??
  12. ModTone Coliseum Reverb Mint

    For sale ModTone Coliseum Reverb Mint

    I have a mint ModTone Colisuem Reverb pedal for sale. This is a versitle, quiet pedal with excellent tone options. Works killer for bass! MT-CRV Coliseum Reverb This is the same pedal with different (earlier) graphics. $60 shipped conus, paypal please. PM with questions. Thanks Low Enders!
  13. AngelsBassBall

    SOLD ModTone Coliseum Reverb Mint

    I have a mint ModTone Colisuem Reverb pedal for sale. This is a versitle, quiet pedal with excellent tone options. Works killer for bass! MT-CRV Coliseum Reverb This is the same pedal with different (earlier) graphics. $60 shipped conus, paypal please. PM with questions. Thanks Low Enders!
  14. kinghat90

    Wanted Sunn Coliseum Bass, Sunn 880, or Acoustic 370

    Trying to pair my Acoustic 408 (2 ohm) with an appropriate vintage head.
  15. kinghat90

    SVT CL to Sunn Coliseum 300 - Considering going solid state

    Currently running 2 Ampegs for my live rig: V4BH into 8x10 and SVT CL into Acoustic 408 (2 ohms). Last night at practice the SVT CL lost a tube and the V4BH volume was low. I had that thing cranked just to sort of hear the bass. Long story short, I've got to take both tube heads in...
  16. Camelspur

    For sale Acoustic 360 and Sunn Coliseum 880 projects fs/ft

    I have a pair of project amps that I haven't got around to having repaired and don't have much of need for right now so I thought I would list them for sale or trade. I will try to post some pictures a little later if there is any interest. The first is acoustic 360 preamp. I am no repairman...
  17. Camelspur

    SOLD Acoustic 360 and Sunn Coliseum 880 projects fs/ft

    I have a pair of project amps that I haven't got around to having repaired and don't have much of need for right now so I thought I would list them for sale or trade. I will try to post some pictures a little later if there is any interest. The first is acoustic 360 preamp. I am no repairman...
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    My Sunn Amp for sale
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    My Sunn Amp for sale
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    My Sunn Amp for sale
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    My Sunn Amp for sale