
  1. Tomislav Gudelj

    Alleged Fender Jazz USA Deluxe 5, 2019, used.

    Hey all, and happy new year. Today I've stumbled upon a guitar that's allegedly the one in the title of this post, and the seller is offering me the guitar for 400 euro. The guitar has no dings, damages and it seems to correlate to what a Fender Jazz Deluxe should look like (Fender website)...
  2. RCWilliams

    Double Bass Counterfeit Bass Buggie

    One and all, if this post is not appropriate, please remove it. and accept my apologies. There is a counterfeit Bass Buggie showing up on the web. There was obviously a great deal of thought given to this product, all of it mine. This product is in violation of two trade marks, mine serial#...
  3. Gilmourisgod

    Threads Praising Counterfeit Basses Question

    Question for the moderators: Define counterfeit. Does this label apply to builders of what are commonly called "tribute builds". As a builder of two Ric clones, im curious. When i first suggested building them on Rickresource for instance, i was told that building a Ric copy would be "forgery"...
  4. Bryan R. Tyler

    Threads Praising Counterfeit Basses Are No Longer Permitted

    We are instituting a new policy wherein the promotion or praise of counterfeit items will no longer be permitted. The sale of such items has always been forbidden in the Classifieds, but we are extending this to forum topics so as not to promote or draw attention to the makers and sellers of...
  5. The mind train

    Counterfeit strings - maybe

    I recently bought what I thought were a 5 string set of "Fender" strings on eBay. They were for a guitar I had brought back to playing condition and needed a reasonable priced set of strings so I could sell it. Didn't cotton on at first but after I had fitted them I noticed the spelling...