
  1. PennyroyalWe

    Constructive Criticism Welcome

    The band I’ve been playing in for years FINALLY just released our first EP. It was a quick, plug in & fire up the DAW/ live recording kinda thing. We recorded 5 songs, but 2 didn’t make the cut for various reasons. I had no part in the mixing/mastering, and I wouldn’t have been much help if I...
  2. b525

    Did I overplay? Or is this tasteful? Please critique me!

    Laid down some bass for my band the other night, did it DIY with a humble setup at home. I wrote the song and arranged the whole thing, did the backup vocals too. But when it comes to actually doing the bassline, I feel like I might overdo it sometimes. Get carried away, you know? It's such a...
  3. PennyroyalWe

    Band’s new EP

    My band just released our second EP today. If anyone is looking for some new tunes to listen to, I would greatly appreciate if you gave it a spin, and of course feedback is always welcome too. Its a heartland/country rock type of thing, for those who like to know what you’re getting into first haha.
  4. P

    Novice player looking for critique. 100% Rocksmith taught.

    Hello! I am a bass player 100% taught by rocksmith 2014. I know private lessons would help but I do not have the time/money for that at the moment. So I was hoping you guys could check this video and let me know if I am making any glaring errors/mistakes in technique or form. I took a break...
  5. S

    Double Bass Critique my pain causing technique. Please.

    Hi all, Been playing bass for about two months now. I'm having the best time of my life. But. I'm also in a bit (read: more than a bit) of pain. Instead of describing what I felt, I figured making a video to demonstrate what I'm doing and getting critique on it would probably be easier for...
  6. Unemploid

    Critique our studio recordings

    Give advice and suggestions. Thanks. Also, I just found out about these various artist - topic videos. Justin case Mind blower History
  7. E

    Some Critique please - Band - sort of

    Mostly Done - YouTube Devil I Know Hi Guys, (been off and on again with the forum for some time now) I would not call us a band since were just two guys. Everything we have recorded is literally just what we as two guys can play/sing. We have been looking for some feedback on our beginning...
  8. D M C

    Critique a video

    Sharon (Counterfeit) is a friend and band mate (not this band,) an incredible singer and keyboard player. Let me know what you think of the song and video. Language may not be SFW.
  9. Chacotaco

    Pedalboard critique

    This is my current pedalboard set up, looking for suggestions on upgrades???
  10. ImNotJoel

    My soundcloud please critique my tracks

    I have finally got tracks up if you can give feedback especially on the mix it would be appreciated. Based on the listening of a lot of TBers the track desert saga, polar eclipse, and recurrence may be more TBs cup of tea. If you like it feel free to like or follow. Thanks <iframe...
  11. crusie

    Just "finished" mixing a track (hard rock) - critique welcome

    Hey all, Been a long time since I've posted here on talkbass, but I really need your feedback on something Last year the Band and I went into a recording studio and recorded a couple of songs - We were stoked with the result but the price was high. We talked about it and we decided we might...
  12. Lone Tardigrade

    Criticize My Track

    Hello all. I've been familiar with this site since I got my very first bass (and very first instrument in general that wasn't a toy) so that would be for 4 years now (I've made a new account since then.) I started playing when I was 14, I am now a young 18 year old, but I still feel like I'm...
  13. M

    Critique my playing/Songwriting

    Hey talkbass, my band is about to put up this first single, and I'm excited because it is our first professional recording. I'm looking for any feedback we can get, mostly about my playing on the track. I have been getting into fretless in a big way for a while now and I'm curious to see what...
  14. Pauly McCartney

    Critique my attempt at a Bass line?

  15. fretless19

    A schematic, for your critique

    Hola Talkbass. I am building a Warmoth bass, and I think I have hammered out the control layout. Two humbuckers with series/parallel switch, V/V/T , passive clipping. Switching accomplished with push-pull volume knobs. Please point out any glaring errors.
  16. kesslari

    Critique me please - tune and isolated bass track

    I've started recording bass tracks for a friend's songs. He lives in a different state, so he sends me a rough track and I record a bass part. This is the most recent example. I think the bass tone is good and sits well but perhaps could be better, and I'd appreciate input from experienced...