
  1. Smallmouth_Bass

    Can a Cabinet Survive Total Immersion in Water (Flood)?

    So, as torrential downpours ravaged southern Quebec and Ontario last evening, many of our basements flooded. Too much water, too quick that even the sewage couldn't handle the capacity. While I had some minor flooding (my neighbours were not so lucky), my singer's house got it really bad where...
  2. Carfax

    Double Bass Crack at violin corner - how bad is it?

    Dear fellow forumites, I'm a beginner and this is my first (own) bass. About a year ago, when I bought it, there was no crack in the lower left violin corner, but I noticed it felt dry/crisp. Now there's a crack (see pictures). How bad is it? Do I need to take it to a luthier right away and...
  3. P

    Recording Dry & Wet signal with Darkglass A-O Photon & USB interface

    Hi, I just get my Darkglass Alpha Omega Photon yesterday and I was just about to delve deep into this pedal (which already sounds great out of the box) when I realized if it is possible to record the dry and wet signals with Photon through a USB interface (I currently have Audient ID4). My...
  4. NoiseNinja

    Is the parallel uncompressed clean blend on the TC Electronic SpectraComp dry through/true bypass?

    As far as I am informed the TC Electronic digital toneprint pedals generally are supposed to only having the effected part of the signal go through the AD/DA converter, but leaving the clean uneffected dry part of your signal pass through untouched, as in true bypass (except for if specifically...
  5. R

    Fingerboard splitting - what's causing this?

    Hi all, The jatoba fingerboard on my Ibanez SR675 has started to split (see picture). It used to be a faint hairline crack at the edge of the fingerboard but now it's gone across 3 frets (which seems to be the same length and depth as the truss rod access cavity). I was hoping someone could...
  6. PennyroyalWe

    Humidifier placement

    It’s been a rather chilly spring here, and the heat running has started to do a number on my instruments. I noticed several have mild fret sprout starting over the last few weeks, so I’m breaking out the humidifier....but where should I put it? The room I keep them isn’t massive, maybe 14’x12’...
  7. TeeAre

    Help evaluating fretboard

    I've owned this Jazz neck for a while, and only lately have noticed how deep the grooves of the grain are. Compared to other necks, the grain on this fretboard looks and feels loose and open. Does anyone have an explanation for this? Does it look like the fretboard been damaged...
  8. MarshallLaw

    Weird issue with effects... dry signal passes when off, but cuts out when any pedal is engaged...

    I've been jamming at home with 3 pedals, all powered with adapters (one 18v and two 9v's daisy chained together). They work fine and play nicely together. A couple days ago, i auditioned for a band (went really well, I'm 95% sure I got the gig) and set everything up the same way. Dry signal...
  9. K

    I was drowning in GAS but now I'm dry!

    I have been patiently searching for 2 basses for quite some time (1 yr+) and have always just missed deal after deal on each one. I've been looking for a Schecter Model T and a Schecter 004. They taunted me. They tortured me. Look, I'm here! Nope! Now, I'm gone! They were laughing at me...
  10. Greg Waldon

    Lemon Oil For A Dry Fret board

    I need to get some lemon oil to put on the fret board of one of my basses. What kind of lemon oil do I need to get?
  11. FirewalZ

    Cold Weather, Dry Air and Neck's

    All, with the bitter cold many of us are facing, my furnace has been working overtime and as a result the air is even dryer than usual. As a result Im having to adjust my bass necks to compensate, i only ever to small tweaks but there is still a bit more bow than i want, but im afraid to keep...
  12. thomasraelburke

    Combining wet dry dirt outs...

    Hi ive been using a mantic vitriol distortion which has 2 outputs a wet and a dry. I was browsing a classified and saw a morley aby for cheap and bought it (without checking) thinking i could use it to combine the dry and wet from vitriol then send it to the rest of my board. I then after buying...
  13. D.A.R.K.

    Looper (sampler) with wet/ dry out

    Pedal gurus: Looking for a replacement for my Akai Headrush for simple looping. Ideal features: Small (boss single size would be ideal). Two outs; one output for loop only, one for play through only (to send to two separate amplifiers). Record/ play back without having to manually erase memory...
  14. sifi2112

    Wet / Dry Rig advice / help please :)

    I posted the following on Basschat but thought I’d also ask on here as there’s more chance for responses ... So, after recently testing a wet / setup & liking the results so far I want to take it one step further but need some advice from those of you who have done the following : - passive...
  15. Hollarus

    Line-6 M13 blender question! I still want some wet!?

    Hi, I have recently acquired a line 6 M13. It's great and saving me a ton of wedge not buying individual pedals (for the moment). One thing I want to do is blend the OD/Dist/Fuzz signals with my dry signal so i'm getting Boss LS-2 in the next couple of days so i can stick the M13 in a in on...
  16. tlite

    Hurricane Irma: Stay safe and may your gear stay dry! [Evacuation Poll, too]

    Just a quick note of support/solidarity to those (myself included) in the path of Hurricane Irma. Included a poll as well... Stay safe- the world needs its bassists!
  17. zartalexander

    Nemesis Delay routing help!

    I apologize if this has been covered in previous threads, but it's a lot to sift through and I'm not great with these fancier pedals (even though the Nemesis is very user friendly) ... I'm trying to figure out how to use the Nemesis routing features and I'm a little confused as to whether it...
  18. Old Garage-Bander

    But It's a Dry Heat (Actually Not)

    Well we know parts of the country are suffering extream heat this summer. Omaha, Nebraska is no exception. We've been in the mid to uppers 90's typically, but Friday topped 100 degrees f. And no, in these parts, it's not a dry heat, so the heat indexes were well above 100. Not only is this tough...
  19. D

    Double Bass Refresh, revive, resurrect your old bass rosin.

    Over time my bass rosins lose their grip because their volatile oils evaporate. I have tried various methods of reviving the rosin, but I don't find any of them completely satisfactory. Here is another method. Using a guide board I strike the top 1/4" of the rosin cake with a table knife. This...