fender rumble 15

  1. BoatTox

    Alternate Bergantino B Amp Choices- Looking for neutral "voice"

    Hi all, recent lurker and subscriber to this great forum site. So sorry for the long post. I’m looking for some direction on a choice of a versatile d class amp. I ask my questions first and then put my reasoning below so you don’t have to read if you aren’t interested. Thank you in advance...
  2. katrien

    Self repair Rumble 15 V3?

    Hi, I bought a second hand Fender Rumble 15 online. It was working fine and seems to have been damaged during transport. When I turn it on, it makes a very loud hiss like noise. This doesn't change when I plug in the bass. It's not the speaker, the hiss is the same in headphones I plug in...