foam mute

  1. G

    Bridge foam mute

    We all know the foam under the bridge trick to mute for a Motown sound. We also know that I can look a little goofy, especially if you're using a bright blue kitchen sponge from the grocery store. An improvement some people make is using foam intended to reduce reflections inside of a room, or...
  2. BoneTubaBass

    DIY Bridge Mute

    Long-time lurker, first-time poster here. I'm a professional musician based in BC, Canada playing mostly low brass - trombone, tuba, etc. I started doubling on bass guitar about 10 years ago, and enjoy it a ton even though my bass chops are nowhere near as sharp as my brass chops :) I'm playing...
  3. T

    Repro Fender Ashtray Covers w/ Foam Mutes?

    Are there any aftermarket Fender ashtray covers w/ foam mutes installed available? I put foam under my pre-CBS 60P and 64J all the time but would love to have an "original" style ashtray with foams glued in there. I love the look and the sound of them and it's also cool to get the original design.
  4. B

    TalkBass Foam Mute Giveaway

    I bought a 20' x 5/8" reel of Backer Rod which works pretty well as a foam mute. Twenty feet is about nineteen feet more than I can use. Decided since I've gotten so much from the TalkBass forums, I'd give back. Put your info into the form via the below link and I'll send you a 4" strip to...
  5. Sesh

    Strings for a plucky vintage sound /w Danelectro bass?

    Hi Talkbass First time poster here! I'm setting up a Danelectro Dano '63 Long-scale Bass for some vintage psych/jazz-funk/library-music-revival, hoping to recreate the popular foam-muted, plucky-pick sound of the era. Examples of "my ideal bass sound" can be heard here: I'm a...