fret wire

  1. ZSN624

    Musicman Stingray Bass Fret Wires Replacement ------ Fret Size?

    I'm going to replace the fret wires of my Stingray 4 (not a classic) made in 2013. But I cannot find the right gauge in Jescars or Dunlop fret wires. The fret wires on my Stingray is 2.70mm wide and about(due to the worn, cannot measure the accurate height) 1.3mm tall...
  2. madjazzbass

    Does Fret size matter?

    I'm well aware that all of the parts on a particular Bass has an impact on it's tone; I've been "tinkering" around with "upgrades" and builds for quite some time now BUT, I gotta ask: Does the size of the frets in ANY way affect the actual tone of a Bass, or is fret size just a matter of...
  3. Another Try

    Another Try

    cutting fret wire to size
  4. Correct Radius

    Correct Radius

    radiuses fret wire