future impact midi footswitch

  1. lidl e

    Will the pandamidi midibeam4 work with the Boss sy-200?

    Recently bought a FI v3 so I could stop bringing my original DI around. I couldn't pass up on the current sale price. I am very intrigued with adding a midibeam4 controller for expression pedal and extra control buttons. My question is, will I get the same functionality using the midibeam4...
  2. Lesman99

    Future Impact controller

    Hey all, I’m trying to call up different programs in different banks on my future impact when playing live. Is there a control pedal that can do this without me having to tap the future impact pedal multiple times to switch between programs and banks all night? Any help would be greatly...
  3. mcarsonmusic

    Future Impact custom midi mapping

    Hi everyone! I just got my FI in the mail and couldn't be more excited, I've gone through a bunch of synth pedals over the years and this is hands down the best. I've been searching around and haven't been able to find specifics of how I want to use it though. Here's the setup I got/am looking...
  4. A

    Future Impact Midi Footswitch

    Hi Guys, just bought the FI and i am trying to get my head around the midi capabilities with my Source Audio Soleman. I want to know can I toggle the Future Impact on and off via the Soleman? Or do I have to physically do this on the Future Impact itself? The Future Impact does change to the...