help me understand

  1. Pi_Husky

    Are my pedals safe? (help)

    Hi guys, im putting a new pedalboard together and have a quick question about power for my pedals. There's a few pedals I have on all the time like my compressor and preamp, but as well as some pedals only that are on when I first turn on the board and turn it off, like my tuner. Will it do any...
  2. Lady of Doom

    Stingray 4 vs. 6-bolt Neck Compatibility/Interchangeability

    Can an older 4-bolt Stingray neck be retrofitted to fit snugly into the newer 6-bolt neck pocket? Ernie Ball is sadly not offering a lined Fretless Stingray Special, and like so many, I want what I clearly cannot have. There’s a 4-bolt lined fretless Stingray for sale locally that’s 11 lbs...
  3. E

    Need help with a song

    First of all, sorry for my English. I'm learning bass and I'll play a cover with a friend. The song is Redbone by Childish Gambino. The problem is that my friend changed the original note and it's down a few tones (I think the original is in Ebm and my friend's version it's in C#m) . I'm having...
  4. Will_420

    what does the push pull pot on a Rickenbacker 4003s do?

    Hello all I am looking for a bit of info on what the push pull pot on my Rickenbacker 4003s does. Does having it pulled out give you more of a 4001 tone?
  5. W

    Is it bad to leave the mutes up all the time on a Rickenbacker 4003s?

    Is it ok to leave the mutes up on a rickenbacker 4003s? will leaving them up all the time cause any damage?
  6. W

    new rickenbacker 4003s bass has mute issues, need some help

    I just got my brand new rickenbacker 4003s today. Everything is perfect except for the mutes. The only strings that get muted are the A and D string, it does not even touch the others. Is this a common problem? How is it fixed? do you think a guitar repair store would be able to fix this?
  7. T

    Bass with north/off/south and series/off/parallel?

    I want to build a bass with north/off/south and series/off/parallel, or something similar, for each pickup. I'm just not sure about the wiring. I've never messed with pickup wiring before so any help is greatly appreciated. I have 6 pin on/off/on switches and 3 pin on/off switches but can buy...
  8. Sunk by Sirens

    My amp is... ALIVE!

    First post... I am currently working with a Line 6 LD 300 Pro. Lately, and I can't tell exactly why, it has been turning on effects by itself, and more often than not, it's the filter envelope; usually it sounds like my amp just ate a thick pillow. The knob positions have no bearing on the...
  9. SirArturia

    J-P-J Configuration Question

    I have a question to ask if anyone would be willing to help me out. So I'm making a design for a custom four string and I was considering giving the bass a layout like Stu Hamm's Urge II bass with a J-P-J configuration. That layout has enticed me for some unknown reason. I even managed to find a...
  10. SirArturia

    Hello All & A Question About Pickup Configuration

    Hey everybody! I'm brand new to the TalkBass forums here and I look forward to being a part of this awesome community. I do have a question to ask if anyone would be willing to help me out. So I'm making a design for a custom four string and I was considering giving the bass a layout like Stu...
  11. N

    I'm looking into a 6 string. What is the difference between these?

    I'm struggling with the photos, so hopefully they work. Regardless, I do have links to the websites. This is the Ibanez page: SR506 | SR | ELECTRIC BASSES | PRODUCTS | Ibanez guitars This is what I think should be the same instrument, from Music Go Round...
  12. Sergius Durante

    How to play funk style bass grooves, lines, etc? (metal bassist but love and appreciate funk)

    So I play mostly metal/punk style bass, I tap, I tap arpeggios, gallop (2-3 finger and thumb at times), currently added flicking (don't wann go over that again), and try to slap but never confident without doing boring octave stuff But if there is one style any bassist can appreciate, it is a...
  13. usernamev19

    Beginner looking for help, confused on whether to keep my amp or get something else.

    Starting to really get into the bass guitar after quitting the double bass in hs. I've been playing without an amp for a month though. I recently bought a Rumble 40 for practice, but I'm a bedroom bassist and I'll be using headphones 99% of the time in college. I also want to eventually make...
  14. Sergius Durante

    Is this a good deal for a Warwick thumb BO 5 used?

    Hello everyone, firstly, I wanna thank everyone in my first thread I ever posted, Yall are to kind and Im glad this community exists! Two, regarding the Warwick thumb, I am currently debating on purchasing this one I had found in a music store. There is indeed some use, I would probably start...
  15. Sergius Durante

    Looking/Estimated price for a Warwick Thumb 5

    Hello all, first I wanna thank those my in previous thread for giving me insight on the WarWick Thumb bass, most helpful bunch of scaly wags I ever had the chance to converse with. Now to the main question/topic, how much do you all who have your Warwick Thumbs (or WW’s in general) have paid...
  16. Mark Andrew

    Crispy tweeter problem solved....

    Good news :) but maybe one of you clever chaps can help me understand. Upgraded an old tx 210 a while ago and at the time added tweeter protection similar to the ampeg circuit to cover the tweeter for the additional power. Not a huge tweeter fan but these cabs need a smidge imo as the crossover...