home recording feedback

  1. PennyroyalWe

    Constructive Criticism Welcome

    The band I’ve been playing in for years FINALLY just released our first EP. It was a quick, plug in & fire up the DAW/ live recording kinda thing. We recorded 5 songs, but 2 didn’t make the cut for various reasons. I had no part in the mixing/mastering, and I wouldn’t have been much help if I...
  2. b525

    Did I overplay? Or is this tasteful? Please critique me!

    Laid down some bass for my band the other night, did it DIY with a humble setup at home. I wrote the song and arranged the whole thing, did the backup vocals too. But when it comes to actually doing the bassline, I feel like I might overdo it sometimes. Get carried away, you know? It's such a...
  3. Felix Lopez

    Home Made Music

    This thread a is space to share Home made music projects. (Your Original Music online, Photos of the your home equipment, home studio ideas etc.) This is not a competition or a place to judge! This is a space for freedom, to share and have a good time. Everyone is welcome... Feel free to...
  4. Highroler79

    Band EP issues looking for advice/input.

    Hello Talk Bass, looking for some feedback/insight. My Original band is working on recording our EP, me and my brother write most of the songs our singer has written a couple and we have a home studio. I finished the ruff mixes, we are a 4 pieces rock and roll group, on some of the songs I...