
  1. BringerOvGirth

    Metal Bassists with non-Metal Bass Influences

    Hello there, folks of TB. I was wondering if there were any other metal bassists out there who have expanded their musical vocabulary into other genres, and gained influence from non-metal bass players. I've been playing since I've been about 13 (30 now) and when I started, I was quite ignorant...
  2. NoiseNinja

    Consequences of light vs. heavy wood on basses made of the same wood types and of the same design?

    Is there any consensus on what consequences weight has on the tone of a bass, like if one was to compare two basses of the same design and build from the same types of wood, but one being made from unusually light pieces of wood and the other from exceptionally heavy pieces of wood? I ask...
  3. Colin Cunliffe

    Influences, memories and great musicians

    Just been watching catch up TV on the BBC iPlayer. Documentaries about Buddy Holl(e)y, BB King. Such talent, dedication and what an influence they had over the musicians that followed including myself. Here I am a rubbish BG holder trying to play along to tracks that these guys just knocked...