
  1. Kieran Clifford

    Darkglass Microtubes 900v2 Preamp Output Problem

    Hey all, I was on a gig and my 900 v2 seemed to stop working while plugged into the front instrument input. There was sound for ~2 minutes then the amp completely cut out, but the compression light would still light up when I played. I then plugged into the return on the back panel and I was...
  2. J

    One half of P-Bass pickup much louder than the other.

    I have just installed DiMarzio pickups into my P bass and the one covering the E-A strings sounds perfectly fine but the D-G pup is much quieter. The G string also produces a strange reverberation sound and the D string has a lot of “thump” on the attack which the other strings don’t have...
  3. ShawnSheepy

    A weird issue with my EHX DBBM pedal..

    I've had my EHX Deluxe Bass Big Muff Pi pedal for a few years now, and it was working absolutely perfectly until a few days ago. The gate feature seems to be active even when off (fully counter-clockwise) and when I turn the gate up, it literally doesn't let any signal through. It seems like...
  4. J

    Sansamp Bass Driver DI V2: Issue with fizzle sound

    Hi, This is my first time posting on TalkBass. I am a relatively new bass player, but have been playing guitar for many years. I did a lot of googling to try to find if anyone else had experienced my below issue, but couldn't find anything that matched exactly. I just purchased a brand new...
  5. Airfish

    Gallien Krueger MB500 "Master" pot not working?

    Hello. I have purchased a used GK MB500 head, seems to be in excellent condition, but I have a control issue. When I turn the GIVE circuit OFF, the volume should be controlled by the "Master" pot, according to the original GK user manual. But the Master pot on my amp does absolutely nothing...
  6. Jublee

    Rickenbacker Replacement Switches/Hardware

    Hi! I was wondering about the possibility of replacement switches for my Rickenbacker 4003S/5(2018-2023). It's failed on me once before and still feels flimsy after repair. Note: I live in the CONUS.
  7. J

    Zoom b3n issue - blank displays

    Hi everyone, I have a problem with my zoom b3n, I can no longer connect it to my PC and after a few minutes it's switched on, the displays go blank and it's impossible to use the device. Do someone experince this kind of issue and how did yiu solve it? Thanks

    TC Flashback Mini Delay 2 latency issue.

    Hey TBers! I'm wondering if anyone else has run into this issue. After rearranging my pedalboard the other day, my TC FB M2 now has latency from when I pluck a string to when noise is audibly heard through my amp. I have it setup for simple dotted eighth note style play. However, the latency...
  9. B

    Ampeg SVT-CL Troubleshooting resonance crackling issue

    Hello bass amp heads, I bought my SVT in basically new condition from a friend who barely used it, and now after about a year I've started to encounter some issues that I'm hoping to fix myself. I first started noticing a problem about a month or two ago, where occasionally playing a C on the...
  10. JBoogy

    Ampeg Portaflex Mounting Issue PF-800 - Any Ampeg Pros know?

    So I have mounted my PF-800 to my PF-115HE in accordance with the only instructions from Ampeg I could find, which is this youtube video - BUT my PF-800 head doesn't fit. When I flip it into the cab for transport, it doesn't align. The front handles hit the side and it does not align with the...
  11. IzzyMay

    Low, Dull, and Distorted Noise From Bass

    Hi, I'm new to electronics and repairs; so please pardon me if at any point I don't know how to do something deemed trivial to most. I play a Sterling Stingray 35HH and I've never had any complaints on the sound; which was even more disappointing when, recently, my bass' volume one day suddenly...
  12. Christian K

    GK 800rb Bass/Boost Pot Issue

    Hey everyone, I was curious if anyone ever experienced their 800rb’s bass and boost pots cutting out past the 3 o’clock position. The sound is still there, but seems to lose the bass and boost feature when cranked past a certain point. Almost seems like it’s clipping but I’m doubtful. I’m...
  13. MrVentures

    Waving the White Flag: Wiring Help Needed

    I have an inexpensive active bass that I use during the summers, and I decided to create a learning project for myself: shield everything with copper tape and replace the preamp with a Delano Sonar 3 MS. Important note: I have never done this before and am completely new to wiring, soldering...
  14. Cube Bass

    G&L MJ-4 audible noise - electronics or pickup problem?

    Hello, I`d like to get some advice about this noise issue on my bass. There is some audible noise in high frequencies, only when a note is played, like it is somehow modulated by that note.. I boosted the treble to max for it to be more obvious to hear. It is not standard EQ setting, however...
  15. N

    NBD! G&L L2000 Tribute... However I need your help

    I'm really happy with my first bass, it's the one stated on the title. I love the sound... However I have discovered a few issues (I bought the bass used for 500). The first issue is that the active/passive switch is backwards, being that the position closer to the bridge is the passive one when...
  16. DanikDarko

    Sansamp VTDeluxe Channel Switching Problem

    Hey TBers! I'm going to do my best to give you all the details about what the problem is, how I'm using my VT Deluxe and thus why the channel switching on it is so important for me. Please let me know if I miss out on any important detail. First off, The Problem I'm getting a faint signal...
  17. B

    my E string does not tune up, no parts are broken or loose but its permanently in drop A

    its tuned now seven semitones down and when i tune it up the machine head (the gear at the tuner) it tunes up but only a few cents then it goes back to lower than drop A. what might be the issue and how do i fix it?
  18. M

    Marbass Little Mark II Low Volume Issue

    I've had a LMII for closer to ten years with mostly no issues, and gigged it probably a hundred times. Now it has a problem: The volume is diminished to a very low level. The sound quality in itself seems to be okay, it's just that the volume is very low. At 4 ohms and decent cabs, I usually...
  19. J

    String alignment in vintage saddle

    hey I have an American professional precision bass. It has vintage style saddles. Many notches to choose from when restringing. Just wondering if there is a rule of thumb. I was looking to get the string as straight as possible but on the g and e string either notch I choose is a little off from...
  20. K

    Strange echo from amp head with headphones

    I hope this is the right forum to post this in, I didn't see any threads directly related to technical issues with amp heads. I searched all over the interwebs and couldn't find any issues similar to mine. I have a Peavey MiniMega bass amp head, I have used headphones with it in a house I lived...
  21. B

    One pickup sounds normal, other one is quiet

    Hi, i'm a beginner bass player and i recently (about 3 months ago) bought a second hand bass. It's a yamaha rbx270j, and so far, i love it. But i have noticed a bit of a problem recently. The neck pickups (the p style pickups) sound good and have quite a bit of volume, but the neck pickup is...
  22. gregosaurusrex

    DOD FX25B Envelope Filter Issue

    I’m having some trouble with a second hand DOD envelope filter I bought recently. The pedal works fine when plugged in at first, the switch works to turn it on and off, but as soon as it is all connected to the bass and amp, the pedal turns itself on as soon as I play a note. If I hold the...
  23. CMPepsi

    BOSS ME-50B Random Switching Issue

    Moved to BOSS ME-50B Random Switching Issue
  24. vindibona1

    SD Apollo issues- Installer (me) error? Phase issue or failed installation?

    In another thread I spoke of how I had recently purchased a set of Seymour Duncan Apollo noiseless 5 string bass pickups. I was not successful at getting these pickups to function as they should, and it was determined if one of the pickups was "out of phase" and the set was returned. Yesterday...
  25. Jeff Moote

    Keyword alerts gone?

    I stopped getting keyword alert emails and the page to edit preferences gives an error message (and there is no link to it in the menus where it once was). Is this feature gone forever?
  26. Gr00veJones

    Pedal repair. Mysterious power issue

    Hello all, This pedal does not power on. I have had it sitting around a few years and now I am looking for a DIY project so I've pulled it out and taken it apart. I was hoping it would be a simple solder but alas I can find nothing wrong with it visually, at least to my untrained eye. All...
  27. larrygs

    Noll TCM 3 Volume issue

    Any of you use this same preamp? Let's say volume goes from 1 to 10 on the volume pot, when you turn the pot, only from 9 to 10 go get volume, less than that there is no volume at all. It came with a Linear Taper Volume pot, so thinking it was the pot I replace it with an Audio Taper Volume...
  28. C

    Double Bass Shifting Issue on Lower Strings

    Hi, I'm a conservatory student in the Netherlands and I've recently switched from electric to upright and I am starting to really appreciate and devote myself to this instrument. I was hoping some of you guys in this forum here might help me: I had the problem for a long time that shifting on...
  29. buldog5151bass

    Need some feedback on a PA issue

    Last week, I brought my backup head to a gig (Fender Rumble 500). I plugged it into the PA through the DI, and got some background hum through the PA. When I turned the amp on, the sound went away. Ideas? Thanks.
  30. Kipp Harrington

    Stringtree issue?

    I purchased this bass several months ago but never noticed the angle of the D string as it passes the stringtree. Is this something I should be concerned about?
  31. boroman

    Ampeg V4 Master Volume hum issue

    OK, I worked on many V4/V4B amps before but I don't know what's going on. I have late 70s master volume V4 (not a distortion model). Amp has new caps, bias pot added etc. Sounds great but when I turn master volume up it hums. The more I turn master volume up, the more it hums. - it hums with the...
  32. Brandon Johns

    HELP! Grounding issue is driving me nuts

    hey guys, I'm having some issues with my bass rig as far as grounding goes. I run a full mark bass set up everything is rack mounted on the head end. when i plug both my in ear monitors and plug in the xlr into the direct out i get a wicked 60 cycle buzz through the pa (doesn't come through the...
  33. I

    Issue with trusrod cover

    Hi all, I’m trying to take off the Trussrod cover on my bass but none of the screws will budge. Do you have any suggestions on what else I can try? Also any tips on adjusting the rod and sattles with no vision? Can it be done by feel? Obviously I want to be careful of overtitening the rod, can...
  34. 74hc

    Is this Normal? Kiesel Vanquish Volume Output Issue (or not).

    Hey, I have a great, beautiful Vanquish as pictured in my avatar. After about a year with it, I started to notice it had very low output. Much lower than my passive Precision bass with Fender original 62 pickups. The blend knob acts more like a volume knob, but it sill functions to blend...
  35. Reuven Holzer

    Double Bass Pirastro Evah Pirazzi G string issue

    Just this week I replaced my old strings on the up right Bass with Pirastro Evah Pirazzi (Orchestral gauge). after two days I find that the G string is less stable than the three others. When in long Legato (8/8 in 60 quarters per minute) the string becomes "scratchy" (sound becomes like...
  36. TreySonagras

    Jazz Bass pickup issue?

    I need a little help. I have a Squier jazz and for some reason the E string booms out a lot louder than the other strings. It's the bridge pickup that seems to be where it's happening. I've tried all kinds of EQ settings on the bass and with the amp and it is still so much louder than the A...
  37. Fender vintage issue 74 pups

    For sale Fender vintage issue 74 pups

    Hey guys selling these. Never installed fender pups. I accidentally found them in my truck in original packaging and everything . Asking 55 and this includes shipping. Shipping is conus
  38. KINGPIN_88

    SOLD Fender vintage issue 74 pups

    Hey guys selling these. Never installed fender pups. I accidentally found them in my truck in original packaging and everything . Asking 55 and this includes shipping. Shipping is conus
  39. Geri O

    Mesa WD800 Issue (not really...)

    I've installed my WD800 into a cool tweed-covered rack, but I've run into a dilemma... As the amp's power switch is on the back, I have to reach inside the back of the rack to access it. Arghh.. Yeah, big real-world problem, I know....:D I love the 8-lb weight of the amp (you big-iron freaks...
  40. N

    Elite jazz Bass V Panning Knob

    Hi Guys, Just bought a new fender bass in ebay and the panning knob between neck and bridge pick up works well in the middle but when you turn it to the neck fully, I can't hear the bass at all. Not sure what that can be, probably the knob. if you turn it to the bridge it works as intended...