Introducing the highly anticipated Bass Masterclass and Transcription Book featuring iconic basslines by Jerry Jemmott!
Elevate your bass playing skills with exclusive access to in-depth lessons covering Jemmott's legendary techniques.
This coming Saturday September 30th at Lemur Music, The Bass Shed Academy presents a lecture style masterclass and book signing with legendary Jazz, Soul and Blues bassist Jerry Jemmott.
12 pm - 1:15 pm Masterclass
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm Book Signing
WATCH ONLINE & Receive a signed copy of Jerry...
I posted a few weeks ago about finding a good Jazz bass for flats.
What Jazz-ish bass (with flats) fits the bill?
This beauty arrived today from GC, and I transferred the La Bella 760FM over from my P bass. So far so good, but I’ve got a spare set of Jamerson flats with ragged silks on standby...
Hi there,
Searching for the booklet that came with this Jerry Jemmott Bass Master Class video back in the day. Would love to get hold of it if anyone can help. I'm a big fan of Jerry's playing.
I'm on the Cadillac Zack email list; if you're a blues fan, you should know about him. If you're not familiar, he's been running a blues jam out in Tarzana for over ten years, often with major guests sitting in, and expanded to serious concerts in Pasadena and Long Beach. This is one such event...