
  1. dnp41

    What color goes with maple neck with white binding and pearl block inlays?

    I'm going to get my naturel DJ-5 modified to be a precision bass. I've tried all other 5 strings I could find and this bass just plays so great and the 35 inch neck speaks more to me. So it's at the luthier now, and he will make a new pickguard put in a lollar pickup and will fill the rear jazz...
  2. C

    Pickup Troubleshoot help

    Hi all, So my Lakland skyline 55-05 hasn't been working for awhile now and I started to try to fix it. The issue is that the signal won't make it to the cable. I've checked/replaced the battery and that didn't seem to be the problem. When I was testing the circuits I had one from the input to...
  3. Michael Moore

    FENDER 5 string Jazz/P Bass

    FENDER makes a Jazz Bass with the Precision pickup in the neck position,.... ONLY in a 4 string version. I need a 5 string. Sure Lakeland and Sadowsky make them,... for THOUSANDS of dollars. Even a "Made In China" Sadowsky is over $1200! I ordered a couple Glarry GJazz 5 string basses, one in...