
  1. P

    Delayed NBD - LTD B-205SMFL

    Talkbass crashed just as I hopped in the car on my way to pick this baby up for a little over $300 CAD plus a drive to the city. but today she truly came home to me. CanadaPost dropped off 5 DR Legend Flatwounds, which she now proudly adorns. I spent a little elbow grease and some 0000...
  2. Claymore

    Who do you respect but NOT want to sound like?

    As an example, I have tons of respect for Jaco and he was a monster of a bassist (far better than I will ever be) but I do not want to sound like him tonewise. It's just not my thing although I enjoy hearing him do it. Is there anyone you admire that you are not trying to emulate? Give it a good...
  3. Brian Bromberg

    Another bass giant has passed, RIP Max Bennett

    We lost another giant in bass world, my good friend Max Bennett. Max was such an inspiration to me as the music and his relationship with the bass kept him young at heart and playing, even into his 90's. Please follow this link to allmusic.com to see Max Bennett's pages and pages of record...