low cut

  1. Jaaan

    Bass overdrive with gain low cut

    Hi all, hope you're doing well I'm looking for a specific type of bass overdrive which I'm not sure exists. If it does, I hope you could point me to such equipment. I was wondering if there is a pedal/preamp/rack unit (form doesn't matter) that lets a portion of dry signal come through. Not by...
  2. dan rathbun

    passive low end roll off advice?

    I've done it a couple of times and it works pretty good. You put a capacitor in series with the pickup. then you wire a pot that will bypass the capicitor when you want no roll off. I still don't think i have found the best values for the pot and cap. has any one found a great combo?
  3. Barcza

    Source Audio Dimension vs. Markbass Reverbero

    I like to get a good bass friendly Reverb pedal, with options to manege the low end response.... I narowed the search and find deals for those discontinued units: Source Audio Soundblox 2 Dimension Reverb and Markbass Reverbero
  4. S

    High Pass Filter (HPF) and Low Pass Filter (LPF) Mega Thread

    With all the interest in HPFs and LPFs these days, it's time to put together all the info TBrs need to make an informed decision about purchasing one or both. HPFs and LPFs are tailored equalizers that significantly attenuate (make much quieter) muddy/sub-sonic lows(HPFs) or clanky/janky...