
  1. B

    Best strategy to finger the major scale across the whole neck?

    I am looking for a ergonomic and standard fingering that tells me, how to trasition between the different positions of the major scale on the neck with a efficient fingerings. What do I mean by strategically wise? There are certain ways to transition from one position of the major scale to...
  2. animelody

    Double Bass Τheory of music (grades 1-4) with motion graphics

    hi everyone!Ι love music theory.Ι teach and i have made an easy tutorial for grades 1,2,3,4.Check out youtube and if you like it join it. Τheory of music (grades 1-4) with motion graphics, narration and 500 exercises, through 24 video lessons!
  3. T.Rex

    Double Bass Thirds Theory Practice

    I'm currently trying to practice my scales in thirds but one problem I've run into is alot of people mention playing every scale note (in that specific scale so C major) thirds so for example C E D F G B A C but doesnt practicing in that order of thirds require you to play a few major or minor...
  4. T.Rex

    Thirds Theory Practice

    I'm currently trying to practice my scales in thirds but one problem I've run into is alot of people mention playing every scale note (in that specific scale so C major) thirds so for example C E D F G B A C but doesnt practicing in that order of thirds require you to play a few major or minor...
  5. faulknersj

    Is this the 'Sweet Spot' in the Major Scale?

    I consider myself a pretty average player who is willing to share some simple stuff I've picked up along the way with Beginning and maybe Intermediate players. I've been having a lot of players lately ask about how to bass fills, or feel comfortable stretching out a little bit more. I made...
  6. faulknersj

    Is this the 'Sweet Spot' in the Major Scale?

    I consider myself a pretty average player who is willing to share some simple stuff I've picked up along the way with Beginning and maybe Intermediate players. I've been having a lot of players lately ask about how to do bass fills, or feel comfortable stretching out a little bit more. I made...
  7. Woody1999

    D# Harmonic?

    Is there any way to get a harmonic for a note of D# on a 4 stringer? I'm trying to get the major 7th of a chord of E. So far I've only managed to do it artificially and I'm looking to free up my fingers a bit. Cheers.
  8. Sean775

    Does replacing the stock bridge and saddles have any major benefits?

    Does it effect tone, string height, tension, or anything like that?
  9. FenderB

    Roman numerals and practicing triads in the major scale

    I'm not much of a wordsmith so I hope I can get this across. I have a rudimentary knowledge of music theory so I've been trying to wrap my head around the reason to use Roman numerals when expressing chords, I hope I got that right. I understand the maj-min-min-maj-maj-min-dim thing but I...
  10. Lakland DJ5 with major upgrades

    For sale Lakland DJ5 with major upgrades

    Lakland DJ5 Lake placid blue Upgrades: John East pre (Volume, blend, bass, treble, pull extended treble, mid sweep, mid, passive/active, parallel on/off) Bartolini hum cancel j pups Shielding in EVERY cavity Pearloid pickguard Ash body Maple neck Birdseye board with binding and block inlays Body...
  11. Bigturd72

    SOLD Lakland DJ5 with major upgrades

    Lakland DJ5 Lake placid blue Upgrades: John East pre (Volume, blend, bass, treble, pull extended treble, mid sweep, mid, passive/active, parallel on/off) Bartolini hum cancel j pups Shielding in EVERY cavity Pearloid pickguard Ash body Maple neck Birdseye board with binding and block inlays Body...
  12. M

    Eb Major scale starting on G?

    If you take the Eb major scale (three flats) but start on the G (third note in Eb major scale) what would you call that scale? Some kind of Gm7 ?
  13. BtaylorTheRogue

    Open Box SRC6 from musicians friend, major pot issues

    Here's the story. I bought an open box 'scratch and dent' Ibanez SRC6 (Ibanez bass VI) from musician's friend. This sucker looks mint. I tried to find the scratch and/or dent, and failed. However, if I move the treble pot, it pops with static like mega crazy. It eventually settles down. If...
  14. gjbassist

    TC Electronic announces major overhall of Toneprint app!

  15. Direct Box Rox

    Mellowship Slinky In B Major is a satisfying song to play over & over

    ...if I'm in a crappy mood, just playing this song a couple of times on my bass puts me in a good mood. What a great tune, IMO :)
  16. Bioflava

    Why do I so rarely hear a MAJOR 3rd in a bassline?

    Ok theory heads, here's a question for you: Why do so few rock baselines ever have a major 3rd in them? I'm sure there are exceptions, but I've been transcribing a bunch of classic and modern rock tunes (Rolling Stones, Grateful Dead, Radiohead) and I NEVER hear a major 3rd in these kind of...
  17. P

    Statement about major scales True/False?

    Is this statement true (checking my understanding of the Major scale)? Any major scale that requires a double sharp or double flat when written out is said to 'not exist' only because writing/reading the enharmonic equivalent scale is easier. True?
  18. BassHappy

    Any Source for Lightweight Billets with Pretty Major Flaws?

    Hey TB I am in the process of trying to track down an online source for a few light weight body billets. Looking for around 2" - 3" thick and at least 7" wide. Problem is these are going to have drop tops glued on either side so I am hoping that the visual quality is pretty bad - so I can get a...
  19. mxr255

    Double Bass Capuzzi in F Major Piano part, help please!

    I have a student who is performing the first movement of Capuzzi in F Major and I let him use my music. I can't find the piano part for the LIFE of me. Does anyone have one they can scan me? He would like to playing this Sunday with a pianist and I dropped the ball with the piano music...
  20. Argojit

    Playing fills from relative minor or major

    Hey guys. As I said in the title , I like playing fills from relative minor or major. If the chord is in Dm i play a fill from F major pentatonic scale. Can there be any downsides of this? Doing this and seeing where the 6th is one the lower octave and playing something from it was like a...
  21. 68Goldfish

    Major to dominant chord

    Hey fellas. I’m working on a tune and I’m curious what some of you guys would do or how you would play through a particular kind of chord change. The chords in question have the same root note but it’s when the chord changes from say a D major to a D dominant. The song I’m working on is “I saw...
  22. herndonbassist

    Auto-tuned “Smells Like Teen Spirit” to a major chord

    I couldn't figure out where to post this, and I didn't see it anywhere else, but this is fantastically, bizarrely amazing and disturbing at the same time! Nirvirna - Teen Sprite
  23. Gord_oh

    For sale Jazz Bass Wiring Harness: Major Upgrade! Brand New!

    Just wired it up today, wasn't sure if I wanted to go back passive or not and I just can't commit yet so this is up for grabs. CTS 250K Solid Shaft Pots Pure Tone Jack Full Contact Homemade Treble Bleed Circuits .1uf Russian PIO Capacitor Just the harness, no control plate or knobs. On sale...
  24. Gord_oh

    SOLD Jazz Bass Wiring Harness: Major Upgrade! Brand New!

    Just wired it up today, wasn't sure if I wanted to go back passive or not and I just can't commit yet so this is up for grabs. CTS 250K Solid Shaft Pots Pure Tone Jack Full Contact Homemade Treble Bleed Circuits .1uf Russian PIO Capacitor Just the harness, no control plate or knobs. On sale...
  25. with_joerg

    Major scale with 1-2-4 fingering

    I hav a fretless bass und use the Ed Friedland method/book. This is mainly using the 1-2-4 fingerng method. I like it because it can be used on the upright bass as well. However, for the major scales (well, in fact any sacle) Ed Friedland is returning to the OFPF system that is not very...
  26. A

    Double Bass The Major 7 #9 chord

    So I was exploring minor keys/modes today and found that the 6th mode of the harmonic minor yielded an interesting chord which doesn't pop up too much - the major 7#9 chord. Any examples where this chord is used? Charles Mingus used it as a vamp on the tune Celia (or at least one of the...
  27. el_Bajo_Verde

    Giving major thirds tuning a try!

    I have an ESP LTD B5-JR short-scale 5-string bass. It's actually 28.6" scale, same as a Mikro. For whatever reason, not a single company takes into account the scale length when making string gauges, so even my short-scale strings are just farty shoelaces. I have SS Neons, 45-125. I noticed...
  28. gitlvr

    Need some major help, please.

    Hi! I did not search because I am not certain how to word a search for this. My apologies in advance. My church built a new sanctuary, and in the process of building, decided to hire one of the local music stores to install a new sound system. The store installed speaker cable in the ceiling...
  29. J

    Submission Red Hot Chili Peppers - Mellowship Slinky In B Major

    Very fun to play. One of the more difficult ones from BSSM.
  30. jtlessons

    Double Bass C Major Diatonic Modes & Interval Structure

    Hey, I have more students asking about modes and have learned that it is best to "dissect" the modes and break them down to their interval structure. This way you can see the exact intervals that make the modes what they are. For example a Dorian mode is a minor scale with a major 6th...
  31. R

    Theory question about learning triads, major, minor, and blues scales in a very short time

    I'm trying to articulate a question I have, sorry if I am not coming across plainly. This was from the "Face it, you don't really want to learn theory" thread. I'm quoting a reply from bassdude51 in that thread , but I didn't want to clog up that thread since this is not really on topic for...
  32. Makatak

    Regulated vs noisy switching mode DC adapters for effects pedals .

    Im having problems finding a regulated , or linear, 18v centre negative 500mA power supply for my Tri Logic II, my lightweight switching 18v is noisy as hell, even tried different brands, my regulated 9v is quiet but the pedal really needs 18v to give max headroom. Does anybody else have...
  33. Pilgrim

    It's time to watch Major League again!

    Spring baseball has begun, so once again it's time to watch Major League. It's an annual rite of baseball; the film captures the hope that we all have along with the doubts and the stuff that we suspect goes on off the field. From the biting lyrics of Randy Newman's opening theme (Burn On) to...
  34. Mantis Tobaggan

    two major epiphanies I have had in twenty two years of playing bass

    Some of these may not seem so major to you or perhaps you figured them out well before me. I have played as a hobbyist for 22 years, various bands, all rock based. At times I was much more active than at other times, so keep that in mind as well. 1. Sometimes less is more. For about 15 years...
  35. J

    Major Chord Tones In First Position w/tabs, backing track for practice, and standard notation

    Backing track starts at 1:55
  36. jimdgreat1

    Major neck crack. Worth trying a repair?

    Looks like it is splitting on the old glue line. I'm a sucker for punishment. Have fixed many broken gun stocks so there's that experience. Worth a try?
  37. Michedelic

    Scored a Marshall Major...need tube advice

    Right time, right place, trade-in of a quirky 'vintage' amp that I didn't have that much in, and I snagged the beast way under value. But enough about that. Certainly, I gave it a run-through(with P-bass)in the shop, going through a standard 1960A 4x12, sounded great. Got it home, took the back...
  38. B

    Question about modes of the major scale.

    Bear with me if I don't use the correct vernacular. Let's say I'm playing a C major scale starting on the 3rd fret of the A string. I'm in the key of C, correct? Now, I then play the Dorian scale starting in the next position on the D note. Am I still in the key of C or am I now in the key of...
  39. BassFishingInAmerica

    Too Many Rock Songs in Minor Key

    Maybe it's just me, but it seems like nearly everything I play lately is in a minor key. Although the minor key seems to evoke power and emotion, too many minor key songs has caused the music to feel grim or overly serious. I play mostly classic 70s rock. This past week, I learned, I Want You...