markbass 4x10

  1. W

    Cabinet/Amp Head Help - Ampeg/MarkBass

    Hello Bass Buddies - be gentle on me. Still figuring out this watt & ohm lingo. Short and sweet: rehearsal studio going out of business. looking at getting some of the used gear. Ampeg SVT-3 Pro ($400-$500) 450w 4ohm - 275w 8ohm Long & McQuade SVT3PRO 450Watt Bass Head Pretty much sold on it...
  2. Syl_Funky_bass

    How to connect two cabs (4 & 8 Ohm) and two heads (Markbass)

    Hi All, I own two cabinets: 1. Markbass 410 HF (4 Ohm), power rating 800W. 2. Markbass 212 Ninja (8 Ohm), power rating 800W. My two heads: 1. Little Mark 3: 500 Watt @ 4 Ohm 300 Watt @ 8 Ohm Here is my question: what is the most simple and efficient way to connect them all together...
  3. MarkBass 410HR Cab

    For sale MarkBass 410HR Cab

    Hey Bass Team, Need to downsize here, I would keep it if I still had a practice space, it's been sitting in my apartment for too long. I made a move to a 1x15 and a 2x10 for easier storage. Please note that this is the 8ohm model @800w, so it can be stacked with another @8ohm cab if necessary...
  4. sl0pch0p

    For Sale MarkBass 410HR Cab

    Hey Bass Team, Need to downsize here, I would keep it if I still had a practice space, it's been sitting in my apartment for too long. I made a move to a 1x15 and a 2x10 for easier storage. Please note that this is the 8ohm model @800w, so it can be stacked with another @8ohm cab if necessary...