mike kerr

  1. Mike Kerr Jaguar

    For sale Mike Kerr Jaguar

    The only short scale Jaguar Fender is currently producing. It's just a SHAME that the bridge pickup is so pitiful. Look, this guy is loud, both in color and sound - but it's been plagued with the bridge pickup issues that have been pretty well documented by Sonojono (see here: ) But, if that...
  2. Poobini

    No longer available Mike Kerr Jaguar

    The only short scale Jaguar Fender is currently producing. It's just a SHAME that the bridge pickup is so pitiful. Look, this guy is loud, both in color and sound - but it's been plagued with the bridge pickup issues that have been pretty well documented by Sonojono (see here: ) But, if that...
  3. N

    New Fender Limited Edition Mike Kerr Jaguar Bass

    These have been popping up at a couple of vendors now, with no indication of a release date whatsoever. I do love the idea though of a 30 inch Jag Bass that's a bit more upscale than the Squier one from a couple of years ago. And I dig the incredibly named Tiger's Blood Orange. What do you guys...
  4. N

    Look Alike Of Mike Kerr's Bass?

    Hello there people of talkbass I was thinking of getting a new bass and was wondering if there is one that looks like Mike Kerr of royal blood's custom shop Fender? I really like the look of the jaguar shape with soapbar pickups. Thank you all very much and good luck on your searches Nellep