Hi Everyone! My Most Amazing Build Yet! “THE BLACK BOMBER” is a a 1973-1974 Modified Beast!! It took 9 years to find each part to build this work of art. Every part used was “used & abused” prior to me purchasing them! The body was a Piece of trash! The Body Is Factory Black Over Olympic White...
custom fenderbass
distressed finishes
fender p bass
frankenstein fenderbassmodifiedfenderbassmodifiedfender p bass
punk rock p bass
the black bomber
there seems to be plenty of modified Fender Telecaster Basses....Let's see them!:bassist:
I bought this bass this way....I don't condone modifying anything that is "vintage" ....that's just my opinion....i'm just trying to restore this one....I need lots of parts!! :hyper:
anyone that has...
I can't believe someone could butcher a bass as bad as this 2nd series Fender Tele Bass!!!!