namm 2020

  1. Sandberg Lionel (Shortscale) NAMM 2020

    For sale Sandberg Lionel (Shortscale) NAMM 2020

    SOLD.... unfortunately not here, rather on that website that gouges sellers with fees and nails both buyer and seller on taxes This is the original German made bass and is NOT one of the newer "VS" bass. This bass was 1 of the first 2 Lionel basses the world saw at NAMM 2020. -----See 0:15...
  2. nozkcb

    SOLD Sandberg Lionel (Shortscale) NAMM 2020

    SOLD.... unfortunately not here, rather on that website that gouges sellers with fees and nails both buyer and seller on taxes This is the original German made bass and is NOT one of the newer "VS" bass. This bass was 1 of the first 2 Lionel basses the world saw at NAMM 2020. -----See 0:15...
  3. remcult

    Favorite Gear from Winter NAMM 2020?

    A ton of stuff has me excited (like 7 reverbs alone), and I was wondering what had people hyped