new album

  1. PennyroyalWe

    Constructive Criticism Welcome

    The band I’ve been playing in for years FINALLY just released our first EP. It was a quick, plug in & fire up the DAW/ live recording kinda thing. We recorded 5 songs, but 2 didn’t make the cut for various reasons. I had no part in the mixing/mastering, and I wouldn’t have been much help if I...
  2. Felix Lopez

    New on 180g Crystal Clear Vinyl REbRO - EONS the LP on 180g Crystal Clear Vinyl Warmhearted electronic exploration of hypnotic musical patterns, combining psychedelic synth textures, Blues/Funk-like guitars, and traditional Indian/Thai music. Alluring...
  3. Felix Lopez

    Buddhist Music 0.1

  4. Felix Lopez

    What music genre this recording belongs to?

    Hi, I would like to hear your opinion about this new recording project. What music genre this recording belongs to?: The Dazzling Dark Your input is highly appreciated. Kind Regards :thumbsup:
  5. PennyroyalWe

    Band’s new EP

    My band just released our second EP today. If anyone is looking for some new tunes to listen to, I would greatly appreciate if you gave it a spin, and of course feedback is always welcome too. Its a heartland/country rock type of thing, for those who like to know what you’re getting into first haha.
  6. PennyroyalWe

    Made a doo wop/Rockabilly album for my dogs

    Over the last few weeks I’ve been making this album of 50’s inspired tunes, written from the perspective of my dogs. It was a lot of fun and a good learning experience. I never did get that rockabilly slap with an electric bass, but oh well. Feedback/constructive criticism is always welcome. I...
  7. PennyroyalWe

    Short New Album!!!

    Me and friend of mine (and bandmate in 3 bands now) have finished and released a short EP of some vintage inspired funk. The bass and drums were done live, and largely improvised, with exception of the last song, (where I played guitar live with the drums then added the bass the next day). We...
  8. Keger Jupit

    New King's X album coming!!!

    King’s X have recorded 17 tracks for their long-awaited new album ...& a book is already out... Offbeat Rock Trailblazers King’s X Get a Book Worthy of Their Unique Saga ...&, & apparently a documentary is in the works! KING'S X Is Working On 'Amazing' Documentary: It 'Really Shows Who We...