
  1. superheavyfunk

    Unaware of Coronavirus, Nickelback Continues Tour of Playing to Empty Stadiums

    “Nobody will ever see a Nickelback concert as a possible public health hazard because they don’t have any fans,” CDC Robert Redfield stated. “In fact, if you want to be safe from the virus, one of the best places you could go is to a Nickelback concert, but I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.”...
  2. QORC

    7 Reasons Nobody Goes to Your Shows

    repost of an article i found on the net. There is much to agree with here. Not all, but a lot. ====================================== 7 Reasons Nobody Goes to Your Shows 1) You suck Maybe you’re just not that good. Sorry. Most bands aren’t. Most bands are starry eyed and spend more time...
  3. Chris Fitzgerald

    Double Bass That Spirocore G sound that nobody likes... what is it, actually?

    Anyone who has ever played a new set of spiros will immediately know the sound I mean. On the G string, somewhere up between the D and the 8ve G. It's kind of a whiny, nasal, metallic "boing-y" kind of thing that happens until the string gets played in for a year or two. What...
  4. Ant Illington

    Video: Why do bassists look so bored

    A non-musician friend just sent this and it is dated 8 hours ago. My apologies if this has already been posted. Mark Hoppus Asks Why Bassists Look So Bored | DC101
  5. Ant Illington

    Thread titles that... this. I quit, for the most part, clicking on this type of thread because they were generally posts that few people would click if the title revealed the point of the post. I think that good people of TB click these with the hope of finding a topic as interesting as "All About Tort" or...
  6. Krakmann

    I brought a new bass, nobody noticed

    Salud! For several years I've been using this bass, with its VERY disctintive "hook headstock", as my main "battle tank". Recently I could finally put my hands upon the one bass I modeled it after, a 2010 Wine Red Fender Jazz: Two weeks and two gigs have passed and NOBODY in my...
  7. LeeNunn

    Submission Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out

    This is an old one. Slow blues in C, but 8 bars. And in 12/8. Bar 5 starts in F and then raises the root by a half step for an F# diminished chord. Bar 6 is a great slash chord. It's a C chord, but the G in the bass in important to the bass line. I love the chord progression. Nobody Knows...
  8. theNecatoR

    Why is nobody talking about the 2018 GIBSON RD BASS?

    Dear Zeus, I saw it yesterday evening and I was salivating like a starving pavlovian dog in a church. It has tons of features! (that I don't like) Those new Gibson open pole pickups (that sound extremely good). A redesigned pickguard. And a switchable active system with bass, trebble and...
  9. B

    Bands that form because friends want to play together but nobody agrees on anything....

    But don't agree on what they want to play or don't share a unanimous goal. Does it matter or is it a sign to stop while you're ahead? Or is it a sign of great things that can come? My history says it's the former. Just wanted to make a quickie.
  10. Joe Nerve

    Slap and 8 up...

    I've been playing passive basses for the past year or so. Took my Bongo to my last gig - a wedding. Hated the experience (and my Bongo was my #1 for many years). I've gotten too used to passive basses and felt like I was playing a entirely different instrument - had to dramatically re-adjust my...
  11. BornAgainBass

    I found the one pedal nobody needs lol.

    So now I have seen everything lmao!!!! You have to read the description of this pedal. Where was this pedal when I was playing guitar during lunch in high school. I could have used it. The guy is the only one making them so give it a year and it will be back on fleaBay as Rare Vintage and...
  12. rydin4lifebass

    New Country Tabs - Nobody to Blame & My Church

    Fairly simple and new country....anyone have these? Chris Stapleton - Nobody to Blame Maren Morris - My Church
  13. Whousedtoplay

    Nobody's mentioned Nicholas Macioci?

    I've searched our TB forums and could not find any information about Nicholas Macioci. :rollno: :confused: o_O and I decided to be the first to mention a very nice bass player at our TalkBass forum.
  14. M.R. Ogle

    Gig with a Starcaster? I did.

    Got a call at 4:00, the scheduled performer was sick, could I find a replacement? One phone call later, my singer/songwrite friend is on his way to the venue. 30 minutes later: "Hey are you coming up to back me?" Ooops. I grab a Fender combo amp and the first bass on the wall... a "Starcaster"...
  15. Manuel101

    Ain't Nobody Live - Andrew Gouche's bass line Tabs

  16. MojoPenguin

    Fanned Frets - Nobody told me it was easier to play ?!

    Hey Gang :smug: Just acquired a used Dingwall 4 Super J and I gotta say it's pretty awesome and I am stocked to see that it's actually easier to play for me... No adaptation necessary for me and it looks strange to play only when you look at it in some parts, not when you play, as it's a dream...
  17. joelb79

    What do you do when nobody want's to play with you anymore?

    I've been a professional musician for over 5 years. Earned a living for my family during the mortgage crisis playing bass. I loved it. I made so many contacts. I was playing out every weekend, sometimes with other bands that I have never gigged with as a fill in, no practice. I gathered a bunch...
  18. SBassman

    Chipaholics: ever buy something nobody likes so they won't eat it?

    Hello. My name is Frank, and I am a chipaholic. Ever buy chips or pretzels that you know the rest of the family doesn't like - so that you have a fighting chance of keeping chips/pretzels in stock in the house. :) They keep wiping out my stash.
  19. El Güero

    Nobody likes Raymond Chandler

  20. Joe Nerve

    Ever feel like you're in a situation nobody in the world has ever been in?

    For a good part of my younger years, I believed myself to be incredibly unique. In many ways we all are, but I'm talking the REAL unique, unhealthy kind of I don't fit in anywhere. I've gotten past that for the most part, and my life has been much happier. I get along much better in the world...
  21. DiabolusInMusic

    RIP Nobody

    I just noticed that @Nobody has finally been escorted off the premises. This is not a thread to bemoan the decision, this is a thread to remember all of his glory. I figure there will be a few good threads linked within here so post away folks! I will start with one of his many Fender related...
  22. P. Aaron

    The Audience Really Doesn't Care...

    As we have progressed musically, and we're groovin' along on the gig, where there's space and where it does no harm, we all play a lick, or a passage, or some flurry of notes 'cause we hear it and/or think its cool. I have moved away from much extraneous playing because of a few reasons: 1) It...
  23. Spent

    What do you have that nobody else has?

    ```(or so you think) ``I've got one of these. Fender Performer by Spent posted Dec 2, 2014 at 11:22 AM ````Anybody else?
  24. rogerbmiller

    What kind of bass player is your favorite?

    There are plenty of posts where people discuss their favorite bass player. This one is a little broader. I am interested in knowing your favorite kind of bass player. As in what kind he or she plays. Remember this is TB so there are only a few kinds and they are P, J, Squier (prefereably one...
  25. Nobody

    Nobody wants to be elected

    nobody by Nobody posted Mar 3, 2016 at 4:29 PM Can Nobody count on your vote?
  26. F

    Mysterious Crackle Noise on Bass - Nobody can figure it out

    So I had precision pickups put in my ibanez bass and then the active electronics were disabled so now the bass operates just like a passive precision. Problem is sometimes when I move the chord or just move it makes a terrible crackly noise. Tried numerous chords and a few amps and get the same...
  27. Quorthon

    Nobody is interested in a genre

    What to do, when you have zero musician in your area, who are interested in playing the same genre as you? Should you wait, try to be a one man band or drop you preferences and start playing what is trendy right now?
  28. iAmCree

    Nobody asked for it, but I'm here anyway

    Hello you beautiful carbon-based lifeforms, I'm Cree. (Somebody already had that username, but oh well.) I've been playing bass for about five years, so I'm still something of a newbie. I took lessons for a short time, but stopped because of reasons. I want to continue improving my skills and...
  29. rogerbmiller

    Best bass for metal? I may have found it!

    Too bad it doesn't come with tort. Would sound great with flats. Poland Spring got it right the first time.
  30. My collection

    My collection

    '80's Fender MIJ Jazz, Fodera Matt Garrison Standard, Alembic Epic, Fender USA Nitro Precision
  31. loki2772

    To tort or not to tort, that is the question

    My first Precision after being a nay-sayer for decades. Now that i'm part of the club, installing the obligatory flats and set-up, I'm looking for suggestions. Nobody around? No? NOBODY??? NOOOOOO!!!!!! Now what do i do? I'll check the internet! The internet is serious business you...
  32. Nev375

    Official Non-religious worshippers of Nobody.

    Lo my brethren. Sit and I will speak a tale of a legendary savior. But first a warning: Let us not be said to be members of a religon, for the powers that be have deemed religion unworthy to be spoken of. This is true. This is unquestioned. Therefore we are not devout, yet we do worship...
  33. StereoPlayer

    I'm So tired...

    I've always liked this song. I'm sure nobody likes it. ×××××××××××××××××××× I'm so tired, I haven't slept a wink I'm so tired, my mind is on the blink I wonder, should I get up and fix myself a drink? No no no I'm so tired, I don't know what to do I'm so tired, my mind is set on you I wonder...
  34. tonemachine

    Dateline: Exiled Bassist spotted in Mexico City at Day of the Dead celebration

    Nobody was there.
  35. tonemachine

    The Nobody Commemorative Avatar Overlay Available

    Brothers and sisters: If you would like your avatar to have the Nobody avatar commemorative overlay similar to mine, please send an attachment of your avatar to me and I will do one for you. My email address is [email protected]. I will not do a commemorative overlay for the grouchy old...
  36. StereoPlayer

    Nobody would like this.

  37. Nobody...


    The nobody I live with.
  38. Nev375

    Will boiling my pickguard improve the tone of my bass?

    Since Nobody isn't going to be around for a while to ask the important questions, I figure some of us need to carry on in his spirit. So originally, I was only going to ask P-bass users with tort guards for input, because... well, only their opinions matter since anyone who plays anything else...